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Company contacted me a while ago. Their only #Perl dev retired, can't find anyone local, and have a huge codebase to maintain. Too far to commute; they don't allow remote.

They tried again a few months later. Still must be onsite, they can't find anyone, won't pay for relocation. Oh, and it's a junior dev salary.

Months later and they're reaching out to me again. Must be onsite, underpaid, and no relocation.

The definition of insanity is ...


Kalamata Hari reshared this.

in reply to Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

That's... a hell of a choice they're making. I suspect it'll work out about as well as it ought to, all things considered.
in reply to Dan Sugalski

@wordshaper Also had it happen with companies in the UK and France! Bureaucracy is amazing, eh?

One conversation I've had many times:

Me: Why don't you allow remote work?
Them: Company policy.
Me: Yes, but why?
Them: I don't know, but they won't change it.

in reply to Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

This is the kind of thing that makes me almost laugh myself sick whenever some random libertarian choad goes on about the wonders and efficiencies of the Free Market, as if somehow it wasn't just all people and people are deeply messed up.
in reply to Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

JFC, can you ask them to stop unless they change the requirements? I would find it insulting that they continue to undervalue the work required, despite the market providing them evidence to the contrary.
in reply to Winston Rar

This last time it was via putting out a call to recruiting agencies who have no idea I was contacted.

Honestly, we have the devs who can clean up their mess, but unless they're willing to ship 'em to Monaco (the country in question), it ain't gonna happen.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him)

It’s funny how some companies understand competition for their services but remain blind to competition for talent.

If a potential customer insisted on paying below market rate for something tailored to local requirements and with no other compensation, your contact could easily see why they shouldn’t waste time on that.

But they’re puzzled at the lack of applicants for a position offered using the same skinflint tactics.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)