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in reply to David Cantrell 🏏

The older version uses #liblouis's data files, but assumes liblouis is already installed. It also assumes that liblouis is installed in one particular place, so isn't very portable - it will fail at the whim of a platform's package manager or depending on whether you installed liblouis via the package manager or from source. The new version bundles the data files with the code and can always find them, so it works no matter whether you're on #Linux, a Mac, #IllumOS, or anything in between. 2/3
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to David Cantrell 🏏

I realise that bundling the data isn't quite ideal, but this was a quick fix to get it working. I've added creating an #XS binding and a #PerlAlien jobby for liblouis to my to-do list, and once that's done App::Brl2Brl can switch to using that instead of bundled data. 3/3
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to David Cantrell 🏏

Nicely done!

How did you get in touch with Lars in the first place?

Perl reshared this.

in reply to Mark Gardner

@mjgardner he asked for help figuring out why it was failing in my CPAN-tester.

Perl reshared this.
