Using #Cayley as my knowledge graph with #python. (Entities and their relationships are in RDF N-quad format: "subject", "predicate", "object", "label".) But I can barely wrap my head around the Gizmo API syntax. Only simple queries make sense to my tiny brain! Like this returns all the predicates:
`query = graph.V("<predicates>").Out("<are>").All()`
And this returns all the things known about "Bob":
`query = graph.V("Bob").Out().All()`
But what about all predicates for Bob?
she hacked you
in reply to Gene Boggs • • •`out()` is what objects Bob is pointing to (not all things known about bob).
Which would not include anything pointing to Bob (`in()` provides that).
But these simply return the objects, if you are interested in predicates, you need `inPredicates()` and `outPredicates()`
Gene Boggs
in reply to she hacked you • • •@ekis Seems those functions are only provided by the node version of the API, not the python unfortunately.
I *did* try to code that up in node, but those functions were not cooperating. Maybe I was more confused then...
As a possible workaround, I manually save my predicates as n-quads when I encounter them, where the subject is literally "<predicates>", the predicate is "<are>" and the object is the predicate to save.
I want to get all predicates that the Bob records have.
Confused? 😂
she hacked you
in reply to Gene Boggs • • •I apologize, let me look up correct API, lol
Most familiar with interacting with it in Go
Gene Boggs
in reply to she hacked you • • •It's tangled. There are a few APIs. To write to Cayley, you use a POST call to an endpoint.
Maybe I should be using go in this instance.