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For a book I'm writing, I like the idea of Books in Progress.

But it's built on #Substack. Has anyone seen a counterpart built on #Ghost?

If there isn't one, and someone wants to change that, I'd be happy to share one author's wishlist for features.

#ActivityPub #Fediverse

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to petersuber

Are you aware of Veronica Olsen's #novelWriter?

If you haven't taken it for a testdrive yet I think you might be pleasantly surprised πŸ” and

Aside from her life as a physicist she's also a passionate writer and zealous #Trekkie, so her inspiration for creating novelWriter was born of a need to fill a niche.

Live long and prosper πŸ––

I hope that helps πŸ˜€ Enjoy!

#tallship #FOSS #Python #author #AuthorLife h/t to @veronica
