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Finally had enough of a certain huckster claiming he “wrote the #Perl compiler.” Let’s see if he loses his “chill.”

> I think @rurban might take issue with your use of the word “the.” And […] #RPerl […] compiles a bowdlerized modified dialect that resembles parts of Perl. (Or as you wrote, “RPerl stands for Restricted Perl”:
> It would be more honest to call it “NQPerl,” as in Not Quite Perl. And no amount of hype will change that.

in reply to Mark Gardner

...wait, "I wrote the perl compiler"? Seriously? Huh. That's a hell of a claim there.
in reply to Mark Gardner

I think the only valid response to him is posting the Bender "wait, you're serious? Let me laugh harder" GIF in response.
in reply to Mark Gardner

As an added bonus, he’s also just generally an asshole.
in reply to swagg boi

@swaggboi This is also correct. I was told he behaved poorly at #TPRC2024 this summer.