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I kinda feel like if my head were going to decide to start dropping hair, it’d be great if it would just jump *directly* to the Jean-Luc Picard and skip the George Costanza
in reply to Scott Francis

You don't get to choose male pattern baldness - it chooses you.
in reply to Scott Francis

Well - you have a razor.

But do you have the *gravitas*?

in reply to Scott Francis

@tbortels and as I once said in EFnet #perl like 30 years ago, I don't know if I have the skull for it. (I think my quote that ended up in the infobot purl actually said “EVERYBODY HAS THE SKULL FOR IT”)
in reply to Scott Francis

Oh - It's huge. And I don't think you're there yet. I was *much balder* than you are before I finally gave up and cut it all off.