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Anybody want to do a small, paid open source development job? (feel free to boost) I am not offering huge amounts of money (maybe $200 or so?) but it's also a small job. Feel free to tell me this is not reasonable.

The job:

I use HetrixTools to monitor some servers. They offer an open-source shell script that, if you run it, connects to their API and sends detailed information, not just "we can ping your server."

That shell script supports #Linux only and relies on Linuxisms (like reading /proc a lot). It does not support #FreeBSD. My goal is to get detailed server monitoring on FreeBSD via the HetrixTools API.

I've started rewriting it in #Python and there's a code repo where I've already done a bunch of work. I'm looking for someone to pick it up and take it over the line.


Scope of the job would be to finish the work so that, when run interactively at a command line, it runs in the foreground in an infinite loop, collecting data, reporting it up through the HetrixTools API, and then sleeping.

I'll take on the work of packaging, making it a daemon, a FreeBSD service, and such. I'm just trying to outsource the final bits of python coding, and testing against the HetrixTools API.

Code will be released open source. I'm currently using BSD 3-Clause, but I am willing to adjust to GPL or whatever.

If you're interested, DM me. I can negotiate price a bit, but not a ton.