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another great one from @doriantaylor about hackathons (with the obligatory shout to OpenBSD; as a longtime user I was always fascinated to see what would come out of the hackaton this year, and was rarely disappointed) and how they have ... devolved.
in reply to Scott Francis

ha i should really update the form on that to use my newer form utils that you can just thumb the numerics up and down

you might also like which is the single most popular thing i've ever written

Scott Francis reshared this.

in reply to dorian

patterns that repeat, yessss

I was just asserting earlier this morning that the real promise of AI in daily use will be multi-agent systems, for the same reason that the UNIX design philosophy has been such a successful foundation to most of the world's technology landscape for like 50 years now: small composable tools that each do one thing well, tied together with a common interface. The LEGO design philosophy, if you will.

in reply to Scott Francis

yeah and then fielding upgraded that idea in his rest dissertation to include types ( of course); my intertwingler ( is designed to implement that (and itself reduces to a harness that yokes together a universal component called a handler)
in reply to dorian

I feel like more people in ops and system architecture should be aware of/thinking about these kinds of ideas, and they don't get as much attention as is warranted IMO
in reply to Scott Francis

indeed. a handler itself is just a microservice that responds to one or more urls via one or more request methods; there's a special kind of handler called a transform that just operates over the response payload, like a typed unix pipe
in reply to dorian

love the call out to conceptual integrity (or as I'm more likely to say, “being on the same page”)
in reply to Scott Francis

big love also for the Goodhart's Law reference (although I'd love to see an XY Problem reference in here somewhere)
in reply to dorian

yeah, I still love reading some of what he wrote but ... yeah. 🙁
in reply to dorian

I was primarily EFnet #perl and rarely #unix, and then was on for quite a while before jumping to Twitter (RIP) and now back here, which feels kind of like a more modern IRC??
in reply to dorian

?! what was your handle? I was in there pretty much constantly from late 90s through early 00s, and then I ran the west coast node for for a while
in reply to Scott Francis

oh god i think i switched my irc nick to dorian in like 1998 or 99
in reply to dorian

I've had the same nick pretty much everywhere since like '96-'97-ish
in reply to Scott Francis

oh yeah i think i vaguely remember you; i'm also DORIAN on cpan

anyway pool time

in reply to dorian

(pool time)++

and yeah I remember now 😀 LTNS

in reply to Scott Francis

It feels like a much worse USENET 😛

But the whole distributed design and the ability to follow hashtags make it especially interesting.

(Still on IRC, though. And USENET too.)


in reply to njsg

@njsg I've been idle on IRC and netnews so long I think I'd feel awkward coming back at this point =\