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The backwards compatibility of #Perl software is wonderful. That’s why it’s all the more jarring when you find a package that doesn’t work. This is the story of a 15-year-old bug that I managed to track down and, fortunately, resolve.


Phillip Upton reshared this.

in reply to Paul Cochrane 🇪🇺

Downloading a module tarball is easier with cpan:
cpan -g Algorithm::CurveFit<br>

Or if you use the cpan shell, you can use the look command to drop you in the unpacked directory:
cpan[1]> look Algorithm::CurveFit<br>[...]<br>~/.cpan/build/Algorithm-CurveFit-1.05-0 $ <br>
in reply to Paul Cochrane 🇪🇺

Very nice worked example, thank you

(And a very rare case of bigger INT causing problems!)

in reply to Bill Ricker

(& unintended puns are often the worst, meaning best; the subconscious mind that helps debugging also cooks those ^unintended^ puns. 😆 )