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Hi, I recently got an offer for Senior SWE (current title at my company now) for a company that heavily utilizes Perl. I was wondering if folks from this community could offer some insight on what it's like working with Perl and also what, if any, potential long-term career implications are of becoming a Perl developer? Particularly I'm worried of pigeon-holing myself since Perl is not as heavily used in todays age and this company does not make use of modern cloud tools and deployments.

I am a Java developer (5 YOE) at a enterprise software company that is deployed in GCP. We are pretty regularly adopting new technologies so I'm gaining some valuable and relevant industry experience here but I am looking for a change and more opportunity to lead projects and mentor junior engineers.

The company seems good, great WLB, I liked the manager, and with the bonus (base is roughly the same) it would be about a ~8% TC increase plus a lot more stock (monopoly money, private RSUs).

Does anyone have experience transitioning from a Perl based company to a cloud based company with a more modern tech stack? Is this a backwards direction for me, should I continue with my Java development and instead look for opportunities that will offer more marketable skills?

Any input is appreciated, thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/Roodiestue
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