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Improving Website Accessibility with Perl and OpenAI submitted by /u/OvidPerl
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perl -CS -E'say v74.65.80.72'

I wanted to grok how deeply I didn't understand what this was doing, so I also made some modifications:

while true; do perl -CS -E 'say eval ( sprintf "v%s", join ".", map { int rand 1024 } ( 0 .. (int rand 24) + 8 ) )'; sleep 1; done

submitted by /u/smutaduck
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Doing some Unicode research I'm finding several different ways to generate Unicode characters:

```perl binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");

my $thumbs_up = "";

$thumbs_up = "\x{1F44D}"; $thumbs_up = "\N{U+1F44D}"; $thumbs_up = chr(0x1F44D); $thumbs_up = pack("U", 0x1F44D);

print $thumbs_up x 2 . "\n"; ```

What is that \x syntax? I tried looking it up on Perldoc and couldn't find anything. Is the \N specific for Unicode?

submitted by /u/scottchiefbaker
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Bit of a weird question:
I am working on a save game editor for an old game that nobody cares about, and I have to run a Perl script as part of it.
I have been trying to convert the logic of the script to C#, which I am writing the application itself in, but due to differences in how Perl and C# handle bytes, this is proving impossible for me to figure out with my limited skill set. If anyone would like to workshop this issue, I would welcome the help.

Anyway, my question: Since I need to include the script with my application, the user needs a way to run it. I would like to avoid having the user install Perl themselves, as that would just be another step I'd have to troubleshoot every time someone had a problem.
So would it be legal for me to include Strawberry Perl in its portable form with my application?
From quick googling, I think it would, but I don't want to risk anything.

Thank you for your help.

submitted by /u/Graesholt
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