submitted by /u/OvidPerl [link] [comments] |
AI for Accessibility
Many people don't write alt tags for images, or they write bad ones. However, these are crucial for people using screenreaders to understand the image. AI can make this
perl -CS -E'say v74.65.80.72'
I wanted to grok how deeply I didn't understand what this was doing, so I also made some modifications:
while true; do perl -CS -E 'say eval ( sprintf "v%s", join ".", map { int rand 1024 } ( 0 .. (int rand 24) + 8 ) )'; sleep 1; done
submitted by /u/smutaduck
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Doing some Unicode research I'm finding several different ways to generate Unicode characters:
```perl binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
my $thumbs_up = "";
$thumbs_up = "\x{1F44D}"; $thumbs_up = "\N{U+1F44D}"; $thumbs_up = chr(0x1F44D); $thumbs_up = pack("U", 0x1F44D);
print $thumbs_up x 2 . "\n"; ```
What is that \x
syntax? I tried looking it up on Perldoc and couldn't find anything. Is the \N
specific for Unicode?
submitted by /u/scottchiefbaker
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Bit of a weird question:
I am working on a save game editor for an old game that nobody cares about, and I have to run a Perl script as part of it.
I have been trying to convert the logic of the script to C#, which I am writing the application itself in, but due to differences in how Perl and C# handle bytes, this is proving impossible for me to figure out with my limited skill set. If anyone would like to workshop this issue, I would welcome the help.
Anyway, my question: Since I need to include the script with my application, the user needs a way to run it. I would like to avoid having the user install Perl themselves, as that would just be another step I'd have to troubleshoot every time someone had a problem.
So would it be legal for me to include Strawberry Perl in its portable form with my application?
From quick googling, I think it would, but I don't want to risk anything.
Thank you for your help.
submitted by /u/Graesholt
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