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perlbot and related status

to stave off any rumors, i just had a hardware failure in my main server of some kind (likely motherboard failure) and I can't fucking fix it right now. I'm about to go out of town and won't be back for a little more than a week. there is literally nothing i can do right now, perlbot and all the related stuff will be down for that time while i get back from vacation and then spend gobs of money fixing the thing.
in reply to Ryan Voots

@Paul Evans pinging you here so you see this too, sent the above on irc too. updates

I've done some updates to to get it up to date with the latest Friendica version, along with getting it to properly use Redis to cache data and sessions instead of the mysql database. This has lead to some improvement in performance but it's still not at the level I'd (or others I imagine) would like. I'll be trying to do some more updates over the next week as I'm finally getting around to setting up some automation pipelines for building and deploying the site so that I can do tests of everything before pushing out updates, and to make keeping things up to date a bit easier. I'll also be looking at getting things finally setup with those changes to make it easier for anyone else to try to help out with development of things too (Mostly I'll need help with theme editing and finally giving this place it's own look).

Webservice to connect to Onfido API

Changes for 0.006 - 2023-07-02T15:36:03+00:00

  • Add hook

Open a file for shared reading and/or writing

Changes for 4.05 - 2023-07-02

  • Fix tests with perl-5.38.0.

Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management

Changes for 0.59

  • Fix for Windows t/load.t failures

Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges

Changes for 1.57 - 2023-07-01T12:37:07-07:00

  • Correct set exchange in - Issue #306
  • Added close, change and p_change to Tradegate, XETRA and Sinvestor Added optional parameter INST_ID to specify the institute id. Fixed bug in Tradegate, XETRA and Sinvestor for numbers equal or higher than 1.000 - PR #304
  • Added GoogleWeb Module
  • YahooWeb module added - PR #296
  • Added MarketWatch Module
  • Replaced cached file with IO::String object in
  • Fixed missing date in - Issue #298
  • Fixed Examples in POD Documentation in a few modules - PR #295
  • move use strict to be the first statement in and #290
  • remove old perl version requirement statements from and #290
  • removed Data:😁umper that caused another test to fail from #290
  • Fixed and fool.t - PR #289
#298 #295 #290 #289 #296 #304 #306

A Perl module for handling webhooks sent by Stripe

Changes for 1.12

  • Modified tests to prevent failure when Test::Warn is not installed Added new author test for VERSION in module and POD

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0029 - 2023-07-01T11:39:38Z

  • Adjust make_setting() logic.
  • Improve the eg/ program.

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0028 - 2023-07-01T10:39:18Z

  • Improve the eg/ program.

Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library

Changes for 1.46 - 2023-07-01

  • Reproduce Term::ReadLine::Stub’s behavior for ornaments (#17)
  • let new() fail on multiple instantiation (#16)
  • suppress warning errors on clang
  • make clean removes `*.dSYM` for macOS
  • update content
#17 #16

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0027 - 2023-07-01T01:43:35Z

  • Improve the eg/ program.
  • Simplify the remove_model() method.
  • Improve documentation.

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0016 - 2023-06-29T18:54:49Z

  • Remove the now redundant recall_settings() method.
  • Fix the make_setting() logic.
  • Improve documentation.

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0015 - 2023-06-29T18:00:09Z

  • Fix search_settings() again!
  • Further adjust name column handling.

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0009 - 2023-06-28T00:38:45Z

  • Add the remove_setting() and remove_settings() methods.

CallBackery is a Mojolicious+Qoodoo Framework for building Web Applications

Changes for 0.46.5 - 2023-06-28T08:29:18Z

  • fixed regression in abstractform (missing signature)

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0008 - 2023-06-27T21:34:54Z

  • Improve documentation.

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0007 - 2023-06-27T21:26:38Z

  • Add the recall_names() method.

A dummy module for this namespace

Changes for 1.1.1 - 2023-06-27T11:19:00Z

  • fixed bug in attribute handling

A dummy module for this namespace

Changes for 1.1.0 - 2023-06-27T10:50:00Z

  • Switched from PodCoverageTest plugin to Test:😛od::Coverage::Configurable to be more flexible
  • Added option 'exclude_from_basic' to exclude plugins from @Basic plugin bundle