Web interface for viewing and inspecting yath test logs
Changes for 0.000136 - 2023-03-13T08:44:39-07:00
- Switch to bin(16) for uuids instead of char(36)
OO Library for Perl 5
Changes for 2.32 - 2023-03-13
- [update] Update attribute assert failure message in Venus::Role::Optional
- [update] Ignore attribute assertion in Venus::Role::Optional if not required
Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.
Changes for 2.319 - 2023-03-13
- Create tables: update list of tables even if insert failed.
Perl program for Japanese character code conversion
Changes for - 2023-03-13T00:00:00Z
- update jacode::getcode()
- created by INABA Hitoshi
Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.
Changes for 2.318 - 2023-03-13
- Bugfix update/delete info print.
Find and verify functionality of the gnuplot executable.
Changes for 1.041 - 2023-03-12
- Minimum Alien::Build for Build::Copy plugin is Alien::Build v2.19. Thanks to Andreas K. Hüttel (akhuettel++) for the bug report. GH#11.
Let's Encrypt (and other ACME-based) API interfacing module and client.
Changes for 0.39
- EAB (External Account Binding) support used by some CAs.
- Asynchronous order finalization support.
- Server-indicated retry intervals support.
- Direct support of known ACME-compatible CAs via 'ca' parameter.
- Minor fixes and documentation updates.
Validate data against a schema
Changes for 0.565 - 2023-03-12T21:19:27Z
- traverse and evaluate callbacks can now produce errors, which are incorporated into the overall evaluation results
- fix bad handling of empty patterns in "pattern", "patternProperties" keywords
Yet Another Templating system for Perl
Changes for 1.64 - 2023-03-12T19:10:56Z
- Complete implementation for option "missing" in traverse()
- Add option "undef" in traverse()
- Add tests for the two above
Combinatorial algorithms to generate rhythms
Changes for 0.0602 - 2023-03-12T09:38:18Z
- Improve documentation.
- Add tests.
A yescrypt encoder for Crypt::Passphrase
Changes for 0.001 - 2023-03-12T17:02:46+01:00
- Initial release to an unsuspecting world
Compares the passed string against common patterns and returns a format to use with Time::Piece or object
Changes for 0.0.2 - 2023-03-12
- -fix guess_to_object
Compares the passed string against common patterns and returns a format to use with Time::Piece or object
Browse SQLite/MySQL/PostgreSQL databases and their tables interactively.
Changes for 2.317 - 2023-03-12
- Informix: add 'Epoch_to_DateTime'.
- Informix add connection attribute 'ix_EnableUTF8'.
- Pg: add schema 'public' only if db is user-db.
- New option: DB2 application code set.
- New option to disable table print warnings
- Option 'binary_filter': add hexadecimal format.
- Allow nested function.
- attached_DB.json: save attached databases as hash.
- Bugfix in 'from_col_by_col'.
- Bugfix in 'CreateDropAttach'.
A Perl interface to the yescrypt password hash
Changes for 0.001 - 2023-03-12T15:56:04+01:00
- Initial release to an unsuspecting world
A fast perl binding for Redis Cluster
Changes for 0.087 - 2023-03-12T14:05:49Z
- Fix Bugs.
- Use RESP2 instead of RESP3 for deps maintainability. Therefore, the response type of some commands has been changed.
- Refactorings.
Role to add validation to a class
Changes for 0.12 - 2023-03-12T13:49:26+00:00
- add code to Validatable::Error
represents the trading calendar.
Changes for 0.04 - 2023-03-12T13:31:25+00:00
- add next_open_at
Popping a selection list relative to a widget
Changes for 0.03
- -fixed documentation -relaxed the filter a bit -modified config specs of TopList
YAML::PP schema for evaluating environment variables
Changes for 0.02 - 2023-03-12
- add Pod documentation, README and Changes files
Print a table to the terminal and browse it interactively.
Changes for 0.156 - 2023-03-12
- Bugfix validation option 'binary_filter'
Control and query network attached power switches
Changes for 0.48 - 2023-03-10
- Added lib/Power/Outlet/TuyaAPI.pm to support Tuya device relays
Benchmark cross-platform shell quoting
Changes for 0.005 - 2023-01-17
- Rename module/dist Bencher-Scenario-{ShellQuoteAny,ShellQuote-Any}.
A GUI for Netkit labs.
Changes for 0.01
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -XA Netkit
an interface to the Te Papa museum API
Changes for 0.01
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
Specification of the MARC21 format
Changes for 0.14 - 2023-03-11T15:43:00Z
- fix gh#8 vy Steve Rogerson
- add contributor
- fix version
Simplify writing (hierarchical) CLI applications
Changes for 2.007001 - 2023-03-11T15:20:07Z
- Ensure consistent listing of sub-commands when they are auto-loaded from modules in @INC via prefixes.
Utilities related to text wrapping
Changes for 0.006 - 2023-03-07
- Apply suggestion from UTASHIRO for Text::ANSI::Fold backend (GH#1).
- [ux] Add -b as short alias for --backend.
Modules that generate text tables
Changes for 0.014 - 2023-02-16
- Add participant: Text::SimpleTable; mark about excluding Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth, Text::ASCIITable::EasyTable.
Yet Another Templating system for Perl
Changes for 1.62 - 2023-03-11T15:04:02Z
- Add support for passing an additional option to traverse(), for setting the return value when missing a key.
Classes and app to compute satellite visibility
Changes for 0.129 - 2023-03-11
- Add 53807 Bluewalker 3 to canned magnitudes.
- Conditionalize canned magnitude test on environment variable so it does not run every time I want to do an authortest.
- Correct handling of Celestrak-format JSON TLE data. This mostly involved the OBJECT_ID (International designator), and the fact that Celestrak does not provide EPOCH_MICROSECONDS, instead merging it into the EPOCH item as an ISO date/time with a decimal fraction on the end.
Specification of the MARC21 format
Changes for 0.12 - 2023-03-11T14:07:04Z
- fix README
Specification of the MARC21 format
Changes for 0.11 - 2023-03-11T13:44:04Z
- merge pr#8 (Steve Rogerson)
- add contributor
- fix version for script
Print a table to the terminal and browse it interactively.
Changes for 0.155 - 2023-03-11
- Bugfix documentation column alignment.
- Option 'max_rows' disabled by default.
- Update option 'binary_filter'.
Cisco Spark WebSocket Client for the AnyEvent Loop
Changes for 1.015
- Changed the default api url from: api.ciscospark.com/v1/ To: webexapis.com/v1/
Cisco Spark WebSocket Client for the AnyEvent Loop
Changes for 1.014
- Added retry for 404 ( these are super common )
Simple, Portable, Native GUI Library
Changes for 0.02 - 2023-03-11T05:00:07Z
- New widgets:
- Renamed widgets to fit existing pattern:
- New example scripts:
- New enum and structs: LibUI::Area::Handler, ::KeyEvent, ::MouseEvent, ::Modifiers
A Foreign Function Interface eXtension
Changes for 0.10 - 2023-03-11T04:25:59Z
- Support for ArrayRef[] with dynamic size
- Support for empty Stuct[]
- Coerce Enum[] types with sv2ptr(...)
- Explicit undef values are turned into NULL in Pointer[], ArrayRef[], etc.
- Provide default values in Struct[]
- Ignore perl's PTRSIZE which might be different than the system's actual pointer size
- Cleanup VM on Affix::END()
- Simplify API around named subs
- Support for WStr (wchar_t *, PWSTR, etc.)
A scrypt encoder for Crypt::Passphrase
Changes for 0.003 - 2023-03-11T03:23:42+01:00
- Fix typo in prereqs
convert between Perl data structures, YAML and JSON with unicode support (I believe ...)
Changes for 0.14 - 2023-03-11
- See 0.13.
convert between Perl data structures, YAML and JSON with unicode support (I believe ...)
Changes for 0.13 - 2023-03-11
- In the previous version I had forgotten an erroneous INSTALL_BASE in Makefile.PL which pointed to $ENV{HOME}/usr. This resulted in installing this module in installing user's home dir, under usr/ Now this is fixed. Those who installed the previous version (0.12), please make sure to uninstall it from $ENV{HOME}/usr.