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Playwright-Perl - George S. Baugh - TPRC 2024 submitted by /u/briandfoy
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I found a script from 2008 year, that renames files to random filenames:



randomize the filenames for the photo frame

$dir = $ARGV[0] || die "directory?\n"; chdir($dir) || die "chdir";

opendir(D, ".") || die "opendir"; @files = grep {/jpg/} readdir(D); closedir(D);

array shuffle from perl FAQ

srand; @newfiles = (); for (@files) { my $r = rand @newfiles + 1; push(@newfiles,$newfiles[$r]); $newfiles[$r] = $_; }

if ($#files != $#newfiles) { die "$#files != $#newfiles\n"; }

while ($old = pop @files) { $new = pop @newfiles; $new =~ s/p/r/; ! -f $new || die "won't overwrite $new - check the regexp\n"; print "$old -> $new\n"; rename $old, $new || warn "rename $old -> $new: $!\n"; } ```

If I run it as perl ./, there is won't overwrite bar.jpg - check the regexp error. And if I run it as perl ./bar.jpg, there is chdir at line 7 error. How to make it work?

I have Perl 5.34.1 installed.

submitted by /u/Impressive-West-5839
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Abe Timmerman ABELTJE has passed away yesterday after a long fight with cancer.

A long time participant in what are now called Perl Toolchain Summits, he was co-responsible for setting up the Perl smoking infrastructure.

And was always a welcome guest at almost all YAPC::EU conferences, as well as many Dutch and Belgian Perl Workshops, and NLPM (Dutch PerlMongers) meetings.

He will be missed. R.I.P.

submitted by /u/liztormato
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As a security engineer I am obsessed with building computer systems that are reliable and fault-tolerant. I was researching Erlang and Elixir to build servers that are designed that way. But others here mentioned Perl is used in production ready projects where availability of the system is key -- such as Amazon.

What are the pros and cons in using Perl to deploy production ready servers vs Erlang, Elixir, Golang, C++ and other common back end languages / frameworks?

submitted by /u/fosres
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