Cosmoshop unterstützt den Deutschen Perl/Raku-Workshop
perlbot and related status
Resource::Silo - declarative lazy resource container library updates
Webservice to connect to Onfido API
Changes for 0.006 - 2023-07-02T15:36:03+00:00
- Add hook
Open a file for shared reading and/or writing
Changes for 4.05 - 2023-07-02
- Fix tests with perl-5.38.0.
Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
Changes for 0.59
- Fix for Windows t/load.t failures
Validate Japanese zip-codes
Changes for 0.20230630
- Update some table classes.
Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History Library
Changes for 1.46 - 2023-07-01
Synthesizer settings librarian
Changes for 0.0027 - 2023-07-01T01:43:35Z
- Improve the eg/ program.
- Simplify the remove_model() method.
- Improve documentation.
A dummy module for this namespace
Changes for 1.1.1 - 2023-06-27T11:19:00Z
- fixed bug in attribute handling
A dummy module for this namespace
Changes for 1.1.0 - 2023-06-27T10:50:00Z
- Switched from PodCoverageTest plugin to Test:😛od::Coverage::Configurable to be more flexible
- Added option 'exclude_from_basic' to exclude plugins from @Basic plugin bundle
Create Text-based User Interfaces Without ncurses
Changes for 2.01 - 2023-06-26T17:16:41Z
- Skip 'hello world' test when we are headless or otherwise cannot access /dev/tty
An open source web-based network management tool.
Changes for 2.062004 - 2023-06-26
NBI Slurm module
Changes for 0.4.2 - 2023-06
- Bumped Perl requirement to 5.16, to keep using lvalue subs
data pack for Business::ISBN
Changes for 20230626.001 - 2023-06-26T15:49:00Z
- Data update for 20230626
CallBackery is a Mojolicious+Qoodoo Framework for building Web Applications
Changes for 0.46.4 - 2023-06-26T14:19:27Z
- propper logging for async getters
OO Library for Perl 5
Changes for 3.00 - 2023-06-26
- [feature] Implement Venus::Task
- [feature] Implement Venus::Core#UNIMPORT
- [feature] Implement Venus:😛ath#rename
- [feature] Implement Venus::Core#USE and "import"
- [feature] Implement Venus::Meta#emit
- [feature] Implement Venus::Core::{GET,SET}
- [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#ppid
- [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#{send,recv}
- [feature] Implement Venus::Run, and the "vns" CLI
- [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#{recall,recallall}
- [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#data
- [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#sync
- [feature] Implement Venus::Role:😛rintable#{print,say}_{json,yaml}
- [feature] Implement Venus:😮s#quote
- [update] Update Venus::Core#DESTROY to include mixins
- [update] Fix "$!" issue in exceptions
- [update] Refactor Venus::Config, implement write_* methods
- [update] Refactor Venus::{Log,Task}, pass level to handler
Efficient buffered DBI inserter and fast INSERT SQL builder
Changes for 0.01 - 2023-06-26
- First public release.
Tags helper for login register.
Changes for 0.05 - 2023-06-26T00:13:09+02:00
- Add second message type to CSS test.
- Fix minimal dependency for Tags::HTML::Messages message types.
Tags helper for login access.
Changes for 0.05 - 2023-06-26T00:14:14+02:00
- Add link for Tags::HTML::Login::Register to doc.
- Add support of logo.
- Add tests.
- Fix api for messages in doc.
- Fix minimal dependency for Tags::HTML::Messages message types.
- Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
Entry widget with a Tk:😛opColor widget attached.
Changes for 0.05
- Delegated options -state and -justify to the entry widget.
Sign a Certificate Signing Request in XS.
Changes for 0.04
- Address issues compiling against older openssl versions
Ryan Voots
in reply to Ryan Voots • •