Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges
Changes for 1.57 - 2023-07-01T12:37:07-07:00
- Correct set exchange in - Issue #306
- Added close, change and p_change to Tradegate, XETRA and Sinvestor Added optional parameter INST_ID to specify the institute id. Fixed bug in Tradegate, XETRA and Sinvestor for numbers equal or higher than 1.000 - PR #304
- Added GoogleWeb Module
- YahooWeb module added - PR #296
- Added MarketWatch Module
- Replaced cached file with IO::String object in
- Fixed missing date in - Issue #298
- Fixed Examples in POD Documentation in a few modules - PR #295
- move use strict to be the first statement in and #290
- remove old perl version requirement statements from and #290
- removed Data:đumper that caused another test to fail from #290
- Fixed and fool.t - PR #289
A dummy module for this namespace
Changes for 1.1.1 - 2023-06-27T11:19:00Z
- fixed bug in attribute handling
A dummy module for this namespace
Changes for 1.1.0 - 2023-06-27T10:50:00Z
- Switched from PodCoverageTest plugin to Test:đod::Coverage::Configurable to be more flexible
- Added option 'exclude_from_basic' to exclude plugins from @Basic plugin bundle
A toolkit to help sign and verify XML Digital Signatures.
Changes for 0.64
- Notable Changes since 0.64
Set up a pool of items to return one of, randomly -- with some more likely than others
Changes for 0.05
- cpan tester fixes (pod)
NBI Slurm module
Changes for 0.4.2 - 2023-06
- Bumped Perl requirement to 5.16, to keep using lvalue subs
Create Text-based User Interfaces Without ncurses
Changes for 2.01 - 2023-06-26T17:16:41Z
- Skip 'hello world' test when we are headless or otherwise cannot access /dev/tty
An open source web-based network management tool.
Changes for 2.062004 - 2023-06-26
NBI Slurm module
Changes for 0.4.2 - 2023-06
- Bumped Perl requirement to 5.16, to keep using lvalue subs
data pack for Business::ISBN
Changes for 20230626.001 - 2023-06-26T15:49:00Z
- Data update for 20230626
Tags helper for login register.
Changes for 0.05 - 2023-06-26T00:13:09+02:00
- Add second message type to CSS test.
- Fix minimal dependency for Tags::HTML::Messages message types.
Tags helper for login access.
Changes for 0.05 - 2023-06-26T00:14:14+02:00
- Add link for Tags::HTML::Login::Register to doc.
- Add support of logo.
- Add tests.
- Fix api for messages in doc.
- Fix minimal dependency for Tags::HTML::Messages message types.
- Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
Entry widget with a Tk:đopColor widget attached.
Changes for 0.05
- Delegated options -state and -justify to the entry widget.
Sign a Certificate Signing Request in XS.
Changes for 0.04
- Address issues compiling against older openssl versions
Display run time and dependencies after running code
Changes for 0.210 - 2023-05-01
Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs
Changes for 5.20230623
- Change: b89377d4677c288d0b76ed06e27ba649d1b21f74 Author: Chris 'BinGOs' Williams <> Date : 2023-06-23 22:52:24 +0000
- Change: 488c1baf27c61a77e2af01f2205fa3230e8ac4da Author: Chris 'BinGOs' Williams <> Date : 2023-06-16 09:15:45 +0000
Backend for Plack::App:đroxy
Changes for 0.0204 - 2023-06-23
- Options `http_proxy`, `https_proxy` and `no_proxy` are undef by default.
Preserve Host header on requests
Changes for 0.0104 - 2023-06-23
- Correct configure requirements.
Launch Zoom meetings via Perl
Changes for 0.231740 - 2023-06-23T12:45:21+02:00
Perl modules bundle to install from CPAN
Changes for 0.231740 - 2023-06-23T12:32:40+02:00
a set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
Changes for 2.143 - 2023-06-19T14:51:58-04:00
- Fix regression with implicit minimum value and multiple requirements
a translation of `tk_dialog' from Tcl/Tk to TkPerl (based on John Stoffel's idea).
Changes for 1.20 - 2023-06-17
- Add effort to make the popup dialog window transient (for window- managers).
- Modernize default -font values, including M$-Windows version.
- Minor code cleanups.
Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
Changes for 1.26 - 2023-06-19T18:43:00Z
- Updated README
Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
Changes for 1.25 - 2023-06-19T15:16:08Z
- Add Corinna keywords, new with Perl 5.38.0 (PR #8, @trwyant) ADJUST class field method
Moo classes for classes
Changes for v21.0.1 - 2023-06-19T16:54:53+01:00
- Bug Fix
- Documentation
OpenSMILES format reader and writer
Changes for 0.8.6 - 2023-06-19
- Implementing is_ring_atom().
- No longer removing chiral centers from atoms in rings.
- Accepting coloring subroutine references in is_unimportant_double_bond() and mark_all_double_bonds().
- Returning false instead of undefined value.
- Exporting %bond_order_to_symbol and %bond_symbol_to_order to simplify conversion between bond symbols and orders.
quickly get common URI namespaces
Changes for 20230619 - 2023-06-19T08:56:28Z
- 2971 prefixes
- added: accid acp adf aec3po aff afm afr ags alg ammo ams apb apods archivo arena arp asf asgs asio aspect atcc atd atm atts baf bag2 bao bau bcfowl bcom bdg bdsubj beer beo besluitvor biocrm biogrid biolink birthdate bitl bkb bld bldont ble bleadapter bmp bop bp3 bperson bpo brick brot bs bsdd bsh ca capes caso cbb cbs cbv cci ccomid ccp ccr ccsla ceox cerealstoo cfrl cgo ch chameo chear check chemrof chemsci chess ci ciao cido cinema citedcat coda cog comp compub conll conllu consolid constant contax contry coos coreo country county covido coy cpc cpg crmeh crminf crmsci cska cso cto ctrl cts cur cvb cwmo d2s daap databus datagc dave dbd dbm dbms dbonto dbowl dbpg dby dcatno dcb dentsci devuan dfc dfcb dick diso djo dm dmo dmp docam doce dom donto dprov dpv dqvno drk dsd dsi ea earth eb ebg eccf ecfo edu edupro eep ei2a encargado epcis eppl epplan eppo eproc eproc2 eqp era ermrk esagen esagm esautob esbici esc esconv esempleo esgs esservicio estraf eupont eurio ewg exo experts express extech faas fdof fdp feed fel fernanda fibo film fnom foio folio fpr freq fso fx gas gax gco gcon gdprov gdprtext generiek genre geodcat geofabric ggbn ghga gleio gmo gnaf goavoc godaddy gom gql grscicoll gufo gx hctl hdgi hico hmas hni hola hops hosp hpont hqdm hqdmontol hu hyr i18n iaco iaph ibeacon icon iddo idot idpo idsc ii imbor imjv inchikey ingredient interop io iospress iottta isoadr istex itcrdf itops jsonld jsonschema jup jur karstlink kdsf kgi kko knows koko kokot kpd ksam la lado lbds lbdserver lblodlg lcnaf ld ldc ldes ldpsc lds lesa lexicog lg linkedart linkml loci lol losp lprov lrcommon lsqr luigiusai lv2 m3lite m4i m8g mag magmardl magmauser malaka manto marc marcgt maroc matmine matrycs matvoc mbkeys mccv mdcs melding memorix mesh2021 mgv mindat misp mltd mmms mnx mobiliteit modsci mondo motogp movieo mpg123 mr mrk mrt mus mwapi nalt nanopub nas nbo ncbi nen2660 nno noise nom nomo notify nprl nsd nsg ntp nutscode oav obws occ ocds oco ocsw odf ods oeo oeso ofn ofo ogcf ogham oghamonto ogura oidc olias omim omnlc omop one ontobras ontologia ontouml oop oplben oplfeat oplsoft opltw ordo osdu osmm osmnode osmo osmrel osmt osmway osys otl oup p2po paam paf peco perscido persoon pgo pgxo pham phto phy pineapple pit pnv poke powla ppeer pplan pq prismdb probont property proton pubchem qk qkdv quid quran raad radar rami rank raum rb rbdoc rc rcgs rdaao rdaed rdaeo rdaep rdaid rdaim rdaio rdamat rdamd rdamo rdan rdand rdano rdap rdapath rdapd rdapol rdasca rdasource rdat rdatask rdatb rdatd rdato rdaut rdawd rdawo rdaxd rdaxo react refexo reg relation respond rico risk rism rkd rl rmlt rnce roar robotarm roc rofchrda roffgrda rofitrda rofsfrda roh rpg rro rsctx rsp rsx rtedurp rto s223 s4agri s4city s4ee s4ener s4syst samian saref4envi scho schoi sds seasd semsur sense setl sfl she shema signify sirext skoslex skosm skosthes slm smithy snomedct soall sohu sohua sohuc sohud sohuea sohueccont sohuecons sohues sohuj sohukd sohur sohut sohutr soma somaae somab somac somael somaem somaen somaeq somaf somaind somains somaio somais somamic somamin soman somanr somaoc somapa somapl somarock somarocki somas somaw soph sophatmo sophatmoc sophatmofo sophatmofr sophatmol sophatmopc sophatmops sophatmos sophatmot sophatmow sophatmowm sophb sophcm sophcr sophcy sophec sophei sophel sophen sophfd sophfi sophft sophg sophgf sophgg sophgs sophgt sophgv sophhe sophhy sophm sopho sophoc sophod sophpc sophr sophso sophst sophsy sophsyc sophw sophwn soproc soprocc soprocp soprocsc soprocw soprop sopropb sopropcap sopropcat sopropcha sopropche sopropcon sopropcou sopropdife sopropdifu sopropdr soprope sopropef sopropfr sopropfu sopropi sopropm sopropmf sopropo sopropp sopropq sopropr soprops sopropsdir sopropsdis sopropsh sopropsl sopropsm sopropsp sopropst sopropt soproptf soproptg sopropti sorea soreaa soreaab soreaabl soreaah soreaas soreaaw soreabb soreac soreacz soreaer soreahb soreal soreala sorealc sorealf sorealg sorealo sorealp sorealt sorealv soreao soreaofe soreaofl sorear soreas sorel sorelch sorelcl sorelh sorelm sorelph sorelpr sorelsc sorelsp sorelt sorep sorepdf sorepdm sorepdp sorepds sorepdsa sorepdsg sorepdsr sorepdsv sorepm sorepmf sorepmfo sorepmg sorepmo sorepmso sorepmst soreps sorepsc sorepscd sorepsd sorepsf sorepsg3 sorepsl sorepsme sorepsmo sorepsp sorepsrs sorepsu sorept soreptd sorepts sost sostb sostc sostdp sostef sostf sosto sostp sostrb sostrc sostre sostrg sostri sostro sostrr sostrt sostsb sostsc sostsl sostso sostsp sostss sostst sostsy sosttc sosttf sosttg sostth sostti sostv sou spatialf spec spvqa srmo srr srt srtun srv ssnx stat stencila stirdata stix stx sty summa sure swa sweet taxref taxrefprop tb tci tempo terms tern textgrid threat thub toaru trak trao tree trek tro tso tsso ttrpg uberon ucum ufo uimo ul ultragaz univ url value vcs veelana veo version vhbieo vir vl vlueprint vntourism vocals vph vr w3geo w3id waa walmart wasa wdno wds wdtn weki wfont wild wotc wotsec xbrll xmlns xyz yandex yanice
- removed: wikimedia
- changed: activity adr afn agro antenne bag bdd bf bfo bgcat bgt bibframe bibtex bl bp cdc cdt ceo cex chebi cidoc co crmdig cube dbpediaowl dcm dossier ecos eg esdir ext fno geoes gist go grel gs1 hg html ianarel iao iot latitude leak leaks lexinfo lindt link linkedmdb lmdb meta og ops pair ping premis psh psys qudt rdapo resource rml rs saref sct sdm sdo sg shex sim so sport st status td test tg tp unit up viaf vra wikipedia won xapi
- Support update from local file
- {{$NEXT}}
block header injections in responses
Changes for v1.1.1 - 2023-06-19T09:41:15+01:00
- Documentation
Serve a specific static file
Changes for v0.2.1 - 2023-06-19T09:40:45+01:00
- Bug Fixes
- Tests
SPVM Language
Changes for 0.989007 - 2023-06-19
- Document Changes
- Bug Fix and Incompatibe Changes
- Incompatibe Changes
- Compilation Error Messages
- Exception Messages
ANSI sequence aware column command
Changes for 1.34 - 2023-06-18T11:06:29Z
- improve --board-color option using new Term::ANSIColor::Concise
Tags helper for HTML messages.
Changes for 0.05 - 2023-06-18T12:27:54+02:00
- API change
- Common
CONNECT method
Changes for 0.0305 - 2023-06-18
- Correct configure requirements.
Interact with CLI of Extreme Networking products over any of Telnet, SSH or Serial port
Changes for 1.08 - 2023-06-18
- Changes to correctly detect new ISW models : ISW-4W-4WS-4X & ISW-24W-4X
- Implemented device_more_paging() for ISW, which can now be used to disable more paging
- Added support for Extreme Networks Cloud APs (HiveOS, ex Aerohive)
- Added support for Extreme Networks SD-WAN appliance (ex Ipanema)
- Added support for new attributes is_fabric_engine and is_switch_engine
- Added FabricEngine and SwitchEngine banner patterns to family type login detection