A highly configurable File and Directory Dialog widget for Perl/Tk.
Changes for 2.30
- managers).
- Allow and clarify (document) the use of most regex characters in file patterns and pattern list (-FPat & -FPatList options).
- Will now use Tk::JDialog in lieu of Tk::Dialog, if the former is installed.
Fast OBO to Chado loading using PostgreSQL COPY
Changes for 0.039 - 2023-06-17T22:14:38Z
- Parse and store dbxrefs from the xref: lines
Perl Cooklang parser
Changes for 0.11 - 2023-06-17T10:58:38Z
- Minimum Perl version is 5.34.
- Added pod
Produce ANSI terminal sequence by concise notation
Changes for 2.05 - 2023-06-17T08:18:50Z
- introduce cumulative color policy
Validate data against a schema
Changes for 0.568 - 2023-06-17T07:16:54Z
- add media-type support for application/x-ndjson and application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Filtering for Data::Sah
Changes for 0.017 - 2023-04-25
- No functional changes.
- Tweak Abstract for perl::Array::{,check_}uniqstr filters.
A simple log filter
Changes for 0.12 - 2023-06-17
- Added documentation (POD)
- Changed the way how files in the 'share' directory are used
- Fixed issue with File::ShareDir::Install and ShareDir parameters in Makefile.PL
- Added installation instructions
A simple log filter
Changes for 0.11 - 2023-06-17
- Moved test files to the 'share' directory for proper file referencing
- Updated the 'Makefile.PL' for File::ShareDir::Install integration
- Updated tests to use File::ShareDir to find test files
Destructuring Assignment Syntax for Perl
Changes for 0.0.14
- Don't set PERL5LIB in testing
Perl library to work with the API for the Hetzner Cloud
Changes for 0.0.1 - 2023-06-16T15:59:00Z
- Initial release
Low-level HTTP connection (client)
Changes for 6.23 - 2023-06-16T11:46:01Z
- Don't treat HTTP header names as case sensitive in test (GH#81) (Olaf Alders)
Getopt Extender
Changes for 2.1.3 - 2023-06-16T11:35:49Z
- requires Term::ANSIColor::Concise@2.04
Produce ANSI terminal sequence by concise notation
Changes for 2.04 - 2023-06-16T10:07:55Z
- support other sequences: VPA, VPR, CSI, OSC, DECEC, DECDC
a set of lookup modules for various Norwegian data services.
Changes for 1.38.0 - 2023-06-15
- Remove support for the following stuff that the Norid RDAP server does not support any more:
Perl interface for libcurl
Changes for 0.54 - 2023-06-16T11:21:00Z
- Stanislaw Pusep <stas@sysd.org>
Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs
Changes for 5.20230616
- Change: 0843bf23082ec504703d9eca46a91e8f95844bac Author: Chris 'BinGOs' Williams <chris@bingosnet.co.uk> Date : 2023-06-16 09:11:37 +0000
- Change: 988dccbcba9978c46964bc31e46173e38638cb6a Author: Chris 'BinGOs' Williams <chris@bingosnet.co.uk> Date : 2023-06-16 08:46:20 +0000
fold/colrm command handling ANSI terminal sequences
Changes for 1.19 - 2023-06-16T07:25:03Z
- make script/ansicolrm installed
- option --colrm accept arbitrary number of arguments
Gettext Support For the Template Toolkit Version 2
Changes for 1.0 - 2023-06-16
- The module is now considered stable. Version bumped to 1.0.
- Setting the environment variable $LANGUAGE no longer prevents the module from working correctly (github issue github.com/gflohr/Template-Plu…)
- Other ssues fixed: o github.com/gflohr/Template-Plu… o github.com/gflohr/Template-Plu… o github.com/gflohr/Template-Plu…
Interface to open-meteo.com for historical weather data
Changes for 0.06
- Added bin/weather weather() now supports the 'tz' argument
Modules/applications that are ported from (or inspired by) Python libraries
Changes for 0.007 - 2023-04-23
- Add entry: Dash.
block header injections in responses
Changes for v1.1.0 - 2023-06-15T23:44:37+01:00
- Incompatible Changes
- Documentation
- Toolchain
- Other
remove HTML indentation on the fly
Changes for v0.2.4 - 2023-06-15T20:07:45+01:00
- Toolchain
- Documentation
send statistics to statsd
Changes for v0.6.3 - 2023-06-15T19:45:18+01:00
- Enhancements
- Documentation
Serve a specific static file
Changes for v0.2.0 - 2023-06-15T19:31:17+01:00
- Enhancements
Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges
Changes for 1.56_02 - 2023-06-15T09:57:11-07:00
- Added GoogleWeb Module
- YahooWeb module added - PR #296
- Added MarketWatch Module
- Replaced cached file with IO::String object in IndiaMutual.pm
- Fixed missing date in AEX.pm - Issue #298
- Fixed Examples in POD Documentation in a few modules - PR #295
- move use strict to be the first statement in TreasuryDirect.pm and TwelveData.pm #290
- remove old perl version requirement statements from TreasuryDirect.pm and TwelveData.pm #290
- removed Data::Dumper that caused another test to fail from TreasuryDirect.pm #290
- Fixed Fool.pm and fool.t - PR #289
Copyright class
Changes for 0.010 - 2023-06-15
- reduce verbosity of invalid year range warning
a boopable LibreNMS JSON style SNMP extend for remotely running nagios style checks
Changes for 0.2.0 - 2023-06-15
- Documentation cleanup
- convert to use src_bin
A simple log filter
Changes for 0.10 - 2023-06-15
- Added 'interval' parameter to constructor for setting read interval in File::Tail
- Default read interval is 1 second if no 'interval' parameter is provided
BSD utilities written in pure Perl
Changes for 1.035 - 2023-06-15T09:57:49Z
Perl Cooklang parser
Changes for 0.10 - 2023-06-15T07:38:20Z
- First version. Passes all tests except two fractional tests. Here I rely on Number::Fraction as I can find no explanation of the canonical tests.
A helpful library for with CAPE.
Changes for 2.6.0 - 2023-06-14
- add mojo_cape_submit_extend
- Fix sub_size for suricata_extract_submit
Location information
Changes for 0.09
- Increased the test coverage Added the tz() method
2D grid line drawing via linear interpolation
Changes for 0.02 - 2023-06-15
- Add 'bline' function with the traditional Bresenham.
Andrew Hewus Fresh
in reply to CPAN Releases • • •Perl reshared this.