a Z80 assembler
Changes for 2.22 - 2023-05-24
- Bug Fixes
- Configure git workflows to test on Ubuntu, MaxOS and Windows
- #2 fails on Perl v10
- Fix failure on Windows machines
Copyright class
Changes for 0.008 - 2023-05-24
- clean copyright: also cleanup (C)
- handle copyright specified with full date
- add missing use Time::localtime
Fetch CVE information from cve.org
Changes for 0.003 - 2023-05-24
- Shortcuts
- Use existing CVE in SYNOPSIS (szabgab, issue#1)
- GitHub Actions (szabgab, issue#2)
- Add ->diag
search for patterns in a CSV and display results in a table
Changes for 0.09 - 2022-01-18
- Add strict and warnings pragmas to test file.
- Remove trailing whitespace in source files.
- Basic set of tests added by Paul Cochrane++.
- Paul Cochrane++ added a testsuite for tab-separated fields.
- You weren't able to search on column zero. Fix from Rick Bychowski++.
- Switched to strict binmode handle. PR from Paul Cochrane++.
BeLike::GETTY when you build your dists
Changes for 0.113
- Change: c7d87c488d7b64c4f8805b9790e52ed73c075058 Author: Torsten Raudssus <torsten@raudss.us> Date : 2023-05-21 20:19:59 +0000
- Change: 14eeb63a857cae41cc31699e9175041c0bf47b99 Author: Torsten Raudssus <torsten@raudss.us> Date : 2023-05-21 20:10:32 +0000
Interface to the XPA messaging system
Changes for 0.16 - 2023-05-21T14:22:35-04:00
- No changes to 0.15
a macro assembler for the Z80 micro-processor
Changes for 2.19 - 2023-05-21
- Bug Fixes
- Bug #140160 for CPU-Z80-Assembler: circular dependency in CPU::Z80::Assembler::List fails syntax check
SPVM Language
Changes for 0.979 - 2023-05-19
- Compilation Error Changes
- Internal Changes
A helpful library for with CAPE.
Changes for 2.3.0 - 2023-05-18
- suricata_extract_submit can now use env specified proxies optionally
- suricata_extract_submit_extend now recomputes deltas
Find or Build libxpa
Changes for v2.1.20.7 - 2023-05-18T18:09:17-04:00
- promote to production; No changes from v2.1.20.6.
- MSWin32 always fails tests due to what seems to be a free in the wrong thread. No clue at the moment what is causing that and how to fix it.
A macro pre-processor with embedded perl capability
Changes for 2.14 - 2023-05-18
- Bug Fixes
- #73 Error at file - line 1: Eval error: Can't locate test1~ in @INC
Alien package for GEOS - Geometry Engine, Open Source
Changes for 1.012 - 2023-05-18
- Share builds: patch one file to build using gcc-13 on Windows.
Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET.
Changes for 2.082 - 2023-05-17
- SSL_version default now TLS 1.2+ since TLS 1.1 and lower deprecated #122
- fix output of alert string when debugging #132
- improve regex for hostname validation #130, #126
- add can_ciphersuites subroutine for feature checking #127
- Utils::CERT_create - die if unexpected arguments are given instead of ignoring these
A helpful library for with CAPE.
Changes for 2.2.1 - 2023-05-17
- Actually reset last_errors post loading the old stats JSON
Google Ads API Client Library for Perl
Changes for 16.1.2 - 2023-05-17
- Mark namespaces as no_index to avoid PAUSE indexing issues.
MIDI Utilities
Changes for 0.1201 - 2023-05-17T11:41:22Z
- Make the soundfont optional for play_timidity().
- Improve documentation.
MIDI Utilities
Changes for 0.1200 - 2023-05-17T11:18:08Z
- Add timidity support.
- Use subtests.
- Improve documentation.
Layout a log message as a JSON hash, including MDC data
Changes for 0.60 - 2023-05-16
- Fix attempted use of non-hash references as hash references when using complex fields [github #10]
- Replace potentially unsave usages of each %hash with for loops
Data description and validation
Changes for 1.12
- Struct(..., -exclude => ..) returns richer error messages
Merges two users into the same effective user
Changes for 1.08 - 2023-05-16
- Cover merged user ids for ticket owner searches
- Cover merged user ids for ACL check in searches
data pack for Business::ISBN
Changes for 20230516.001 - 2023-05-16T15:09:45Z
- Data update for May 16, 2023
Map body and data parameters to a model
Changes for 0.017
- Allow a model to handle more than one content type
an interface to most facets of the [Fastly API](https://developer.fastly.com/reference/api).
Changes for 3.00 - 2023-05-16
- breaking(object_store): rename to kv_store.
- feat(dictionary_item): add 'bulk' PATCH endpoint.
- feat(package): add `files_hash` metadata property.
- feat(tls_certificates): add `filter[in_use]` parameter.
an interface to most facets of the [Fastly API](https://developer.fastly.com/reference/api).metacpan.org
Generic Module to inherit from
Changes for v0.30.2 - 2023-05-16T21:33:10Z
- Corrected a small bug in unload_json() in Module::Generic when JSON option utf8 was provided in overlap with the binmode also set to utf8, thus yielding mojibake.
Write completion routines in x.{,element_,index_}completion attributes
Changes for 0.104 - 2023-03-01
- No functional changes.
- [xcompletion filename] [doc] Fix example in Synopsis.
framework for parsing Pod
Changes for 3.45 - 2023-05-14
- fix precedence issue in PullParser mauke++
- minor parallelism fixes to test files yves++
- refactor XHTML index generation into own method Graham Knop++
- fix tab expansion when not 0 nor 8 Graham Knop++
- various fixes to links Graham Knop++
Generate tokens to help prevent CSRF attacks.
Changes for 0.007 - 2023-05-15
- fixed bad metadata in previous release
resolve keys to data
Changes for 0.005 - 2023-05-15T21:48:21Z
- support for sub-resolver keys passed to a top one, immediately resolving the hierarchy.
- adopt Unix-style keys in FromDir
Types that coerce references to read-only
Changes for v0.5.0 - 2023-05-15T19:22:59+01:00
- Incompatible Changes
- Documentation
Generic Module to inherit from
Changes for v0.30.0 - 2023-05-14T08:35:33Z
- Changes to inner working of several support functions to better support lvalue methods