DBIC::Schema for the smoke reports database
Changes for 1.11 - 2023-05-15T14:06:59+02:00
- (Abe Timmerman, Mon, 15 May 2023 14:06:59 +0200) Autocommit for distribution Perl5::CoreSmokeDB::Schema 1.11 (minor)
Perl class for reading a graph from OID format.
Changes for 0.04 - 2023-05-15T13:46:43+02:00
- Fix dependencies.
- Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
- Improve SYNOPSIS section in doc.
- Move bugtracker to github.
- Rewrite to better example filename.
- Update author github username.
- Update author name.
- Update copyright years.
- Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
Insert a POD containing a list of scripts/executables in the distribution
Changes for 0.032 - 2023-03-02
- [ux] Change default or 'ordered' configuration to use unordered until there are >6 items.
generating data-only Excel workbooks in XLSX format, fast
Changes for 1.05
- add_sheet() can take a DBI::st or DBIx::DataModel::Statement as argument
Generate tokens to help prevent CSRF attacks.
Changes for 0.005 - 2023-05-14
- new ease of use methods
Generate tokens to help prevent CSRF attacks.
Changes for 0.004 - 2023-05-14
- changed when we perform the automatic token validation to better allow for one to override how error messages are sent to the browser
- Changed the default error message to specify that the error is a bad token and sets the code to 403: forbidden.
Generic Module to inherit from
Changes for v0.30.1 - 2023-05-14T21:44:27Z
- Corrected small bug in support function _set_get_number
- Improved the code of some support functions
Generic Module to inherit from
Changes for v0.30.0 - 2023-05-14T08:35:33Z
- Changes to inner working of several support functions to better support lvalue methods
unofficial support for the Customer.io service
Changes for 0.002 - 2023-05-14T10:39:52+00:00
- Add transactional email support
create and find directories interactive
Changes for v1.0.2
- repair building of MANIFEST
- add test for POD in script 'mkdir_heute'
- repair POD in script
- add test for POD coverage
app and API to verify the presence of dependencies (Perl 5 modules, python3 modules, executables, etc.)
Changes for 0.12.2 - 2023-05-14
- add CLI help to the POD.
Scenarios to benchmark Color::ANSI::Util
Changes for 0.003 - 2023-01-18
- Rename module/dist Bencher-Scenarios-{ColorANSIUtil,Color-ANSI-Util}.
mojolicious app to read interactive stories
Changes for 0.001006 - 2023-05-13
Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges
Changes for 1.55 - 2023-05-13T12:22:00-07:00
A lightweight StatsD client that supports multimetric packets
Changes for v0.7.0 - 2023-05-13T13:15:15+01:00
- Incompatible Changes
- Enhancements
- Documentation
A macro pre-processor with embedded perl capability
Changes for 2.13 - 2023-05-13
Retain reports on disk rather than transmitting them
Changes for 0.11
- Accommodate changes in App::cpanminus::reporter version 0.19. (Changes are internal; no change in interface.)
- Add tests for 'file' URI scheme.
- Makefile.PL metadata improvements from Mohammad S Anwar.
Perl object overlay of the RPM query command
Changes for 0.01 - 2023-04-22
- original version
Perl interface to access the Whistle Pet Tracker Web Service
Changes for 0.03 - 2023-05-02
- Updated lib/WebService/Whistle/Pet/Tracker/API.pm
- Added scripts/perl-WebService-Whistle-Pet-Tracker-API-pets.pl
- Added scripts/perl-WebService-Whistle-Pet-Tracker-API-device.pl
- Added MQTT systemd service files and rpm package
- Cleaned up scripts/perl-WebService-Whistle-Pet-Tracker-API-mqtt.pl
Standard set of roles for TableData
Changes for 0.015 - 2023-02-24
- [doc] Mention TableDataRole::Source::SQLite.
- Aid debugging CSV parsing error by setting Text::CSV's options auto_diag=>9 and diag_verbose=>1.
mojolicious app to read interactive stories
Changes for 0.001005 - 2023-05-12
Map body and data parameters to a model
Changes for 0.016
- Added BodyModelFor and QueryModelFor to let you use the default model for a different action in the current controller or relative to the current controller
Destructuring Assignment Syntax for Perl
Changes for 0.0.10
- Support default values for array vars
Manage perl installations in your $HOME
Changes for 0.97
Destructuring Assignment Syntax for Perl
Changes for 0.0.9
- Define classes for internal objects
- Fix YAML::PP version requirement
Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
Changes for 0.88
- REVERT "Turn off internal POK flag for number scalars"
Webservice to connect to Onfido API
Changes for 0.003 - 2023-05-12T07:51:08+00:00
- Fix test error.
Handling entire Commodore (D64/D71/D81) disk image directories (using Per Olofsson's "diskimage.c" library)
Changes for 0.05 - 2023-05-12
- add verbose mode of printing out disk directory content, which additionally includes file's track, sector, and loading address values
Handling individual Commodore (D64/D71/D81) disk image directory items in pure Perl
Changes for 0.08 - 2023-05-12
- added verbose mode of printing out formatted disk image directory item, which additionally includes file's track and sector values