Handling individual Commodore (D64/D71/D81) disk image directory items in pure Perl
Changes for 0.08 - 2023-05-12
- added verbose mode of printing out formatted disk image directory item, which additionally includes file's track and sector values
Base Module for creating new String::Validator Modules.
Changes for 2.04 - 2023-05-11
A Collection of Routines for validating and transforming strings
Changes for 2.04
Insert stuffs to POD from Rinci metadata
Changes for 0.785 - 2023-03-02
- Make this module fail less: 1) avoid force-reloading Dist::Zilla & Pod::Weaver dists; 2) retry reloading without Require::Hook::Source::DzilBuild when failed; 3) always add 'lib' to @INC.
Build external dependencies for use in CPAN
Changes for 2.80 - 2023-05-11T16:31:46Z
- Documentation improvements (gh#399, gh#400, gh#401, gh#402)
- Do not generate .../Install/Files.pm if one is provided by the Alien (gh#393, gh#397)
Destructuring Assignment Syntax for Perl
Changes for 0.0.8
- Add assign::Array and assign::Hash container classes
A macro pre-processor with embedded perl capability
Changes for 2.12 - 2023-05-11
Grant Street Group CPAN dists
Changes for v0.5.1 - 2023-05-11T18:33:42Z
- Update README (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Pull request #20: SM-4192 - Add a custom HasVersionTests Plugin (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
- Add a custom HasVersionTests Plugin (Andrew Hewus Fresh)
Output JSON subroutines for Error::Pure.
Changes for 0.11 - 2023-05-11T19:27:59+02:00
- Fix Makefile.PL fails with no '.' in @INC.
- Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
- Move bugtracker to github.
- Rename examples to better names.
- Update author github username.
- Update author name.
- Update copyright years.
- Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
Install the Lego modules.
Changes for 0.04 - 2023-05-11T19:12:47+02:00
- Add LICENSE.bsd file.
- Fix author test requires.
- Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
- Move bugtracker to github.
- Update to Module::Install 1.21.
- Update author name.
- Update author github name.
- Update copyright years.
Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges
Changes for 1.54_04 - 2023-05-11T09:44:37-07:00
Distribution for hl7dump script.
Changes for 0.07 - 2023-05-11T18:20:29+02:00
- Add better example names.
- Fix repository author name.
- Fix test on Windows.
- Update copyright years.
- Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
HTML Parser, Modifier and Query Interface
Changes for v0.2.5 - 2023-05-11T21:10:17Z
- Minor additional correction on extract_links in HTML::Object::Element
HTML Parser, Modifier and Query Interface
Changes for v0.2.4 - 2023-05-11T20:07:32Z
- Updated method extract_links in HTML::Object::Element
manage dynamic content security policy headers
Changes for v0.3.1 - 2023-05-11T10:48:19+01:00
- Bug Fixes
SPVM Language
Changes for 0.977 - 2023-05-11
- Incompatible Changes
- Changes
- Document Changes
Validate HTTP requests and responses against an OpenAPI document
Changes for 0.043 - 2023-05-11T04:36:24Z
- properly detect, and fail early, on badly-parsed request or response objects
Mark Gardner reshared this.
Validate data against a schema
Changes for 0.566 - 2023-05-11T03:34:59Z
- treat ambiguous types as a normal error, rather than an exception which may provide incorrect location data
HTML Parser, Modifier and Query Interface
Changes for v0.2.3 - 2022-11-12T14:07:25Z
- Corrected find_by_tag_name() in HTML::Object::Element
- Added the properties accessKey, accessKeyLabel, isContentEditable, dir, draggable, enterKeyHint, hidden, inert, innerText, inputMode, popover, lang, noModule, nonce, offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetParent, offsetTop, offsetWidth, outerText, properties, spellcheck, style, title, translate to HTML::Object::DOM::Element
- Added the methods attachInternals(), blur(), click(), focus(), hidePopover(), showPopover(), togglePopover() HTML::Object::DOM::Element
- Updated the method documentElement() in HTML::Object::DOM::Document and improved body() and title()
- Updated the method querySelectorAll() in HTML::Object::DOM::Element
- Improved private method _set_get_property in HTML::Object::DOM::Element
- Improved method on in HTML::Object::EventTarget
A collection of various examples of Perl modules/scripts
Changes for 0.096 - 2023-02-24
- Add POD link example to manpage.
Generic Module to inherit from
Changes for v0.29.6 - 2023-03-12T06:55:19Z
- Minor improvements in Module::Generic::Scalar by adding Regexp::Common as a regexp class on top of perl's Regexp
- Improved the helper method _set_get_object and corrected _set_get_object_without_init
- Added the 'code' option to method 'pass_error' in Module::Generic
- Support method '_can' in Module::Generic now also accepts an array of methods to check
- Added _is_warnings_enabled as an alias to _warnings_is_enabled in Module::Generic
- Improved Module::Generic::Hash json method to allow for more options
- Added method _set_get_callback as an lvalue support method
- Aliased _lvalue to _set_get_callback
Provide non blocking randomness
Changes for 0.38
- Adding support for github actions Improving test support
OO Library for Perl 5
Changes for 2.80 - 2023-05-10
- [feature] Implement Venus#array
- [feature] Implement Venus#boolean
- [feature] Implement Venus#code
- [feature] Implement Venus#config
- [feature] Implement Venus#data
- [feature] Implement Venus#float
- [feature] Implement Venus#hash
- [feature] Implement Venus#name
- [feature] Implement Venus#number
- [feature] Implement Venus#path
- [feature] Implement Venus#proto
- [feature] Implement Venus#string
- [feature] Implement Venus#template
- [feature] Implement Venus#vars
- [feature] Implement Venus::Assert#render
- [feature] Implement Venus::Array#range
- [feature] Enhance Venus::Throw
- [feature] Implement Venus#meta
- [feature] Implement Venus#opts
- [feature] Implement Venus#process
- [feature] Implement Venus#random
- [feature] Implement Venus#regexp
- [feature] Implement Venus#replace
- [feature] Implement Venus#search
- [feature] Implement Venus#test
- [feature] Implement Venus#throw
- [feature] Implement Venus#try
- [feature] Implement Venus#type
- [feature] Implement Venus::Schema
- [feature] Implement Venus::Path#extension
- [update] Resolve CPANTS issues
- [update] Add missing signature for Venus::Template#render
- [update] Implement Venus::Throw#{frame,capture}
- [update] Update Venus#date syntax
- [update] Fix Venus::Assert parser issue
- [update] Refactor Venus::Cli
- [update] Update Venus::Cli "opt" type logic and documentation
MIDI and music creation modules
Changes for 0.1914 - 2023-05-10T10:35:22Z
- Add the missing Data::Dataset::ChordProgressions module.
manage dynamic content security policy headers
Changes for v0.3.0 - 2023-05-10T16:39:08+01:00
- Enhancments
- Other
YAML 1.2 Processor
Changes for 0.036 - 2023-05-10T17:09:48+02:00
- Add option -dumpcode to turn of dumping coderefs in YAML::PP::Schema::Perl
- ci updates
Provide non blocking randomness
Changes for 0.37
- Adding urandom_ub method for unbuffered sysreads Copying with possible?? failures in reading from /dev/urandom Improved coverage testing
Financial Information eXchange (FIX) messages parser/serializer
Changes for 0.08 - 2023-05-01T08:53:22+00:00
- Update: Add "Instrument" component to MarketDataIncrementalRefresh message schema