Role to add validation to a class
Changes for 0.12 - 2023-03-12T13:49:26+00:00
- add code to Validatable::Error
represents the trading calendar.
Changes for 0.04 - 2023-03-12T13:31:25+00:00
- add next_open_at
Popping a selection list relative to a widget
Changes for 0.03
- -fixed documentation -relaxed the filter a bit -modified config specs of TopList
YAML::PP schema for evaluating environment variables
Changes for 0.02 - 2023-03-12
- add Pod documentation, README and Changes files
Six days later...
I used to get the impression many project developers would support Mastodon API foremost but now I'm inclined to see more projects implement ActivityPub C2S first and then everything else..
Bradley D. Thornton reshared this.