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Hi all! This is my first Perl script.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Curses::UI; use Data::Dumper; use JSON; # Create the root Curses::UI object my $cui = Curses::UI->new(-color_support => 1); # Set up a signal handler to exit on Ctrl+C $cui->set_binding(sub { exit(0); }, "\cC"); # Create the main window my $win = $cui->add('window_id', 'Window'); # URL to fetch email address my $response = ""; # Variable my $email_address = ''; my $username = ''; my $domain = ''; my $formatted_email = ''; my $formatted_json = ''; my $formatted_inbox = ''; my $Id = ''; my $box = ''; # my $filename = '/home/ola/Work/Languages/Perl/curses-ui/1/TempMail-Curses-UI/file.txt'; # Calculate the center Y position based on the window height my $window_height = $win->height(); my $center_y = int(($window_height - 1) / 2); # Create $win->add( 'buttonbox_id', 'Buttonbox', -y => $center_y, -buttons => [ { -label => '< Get Random Email >', -onpress => sub { $email_address = `curl -sL $response`; chomp($email_address); $email_address =~ s/^\["(.*)"\]$/$1/; print $email_address; # Split the email into username and domain my ($username, $domain) = split('@', $email_address); chomp($domain); print "Username is: $username\n"; print "Domain is: $domain\n"; # Copy system("echo $email_address | xsel --clipboard --input"); # Write to file open(FH, '>', $filename) or die $!; print FH $email_address; close(FH); # print "Writing to file successfully!\n"; # Send test mail # system("perl"); # Display the output in a dialog $cui->dialog( -message => "Random Email:\n$email_address\n Copied To Clipboard", -title => "Email Address", -buttons => [ { -label => '< OK >', -value => 1, -shortcut => 'o', } ], ); } }, { -label => '< Update Inbox >', -onpress => sub { # my $command_output = `curl -sL ""`; my $command_output = `curl -sL "$username&domain=$domain"`; chomp($command_output); $formatted_json = decode_json($command_output); $Id = $formatted_json->[0]->{id}; # Display the output in a dialog box $cui->dialog( -message => $formatted_json->[0]->{subject}, -title => "$Id = $formatted_json->[0]->{id}", -buttons => [ { -label => '< Fetch Mail Body >', -value => 1, -shortcut => 'o', } ], ); $Id = $formatted_json->[0]->{id}, # my $inbox = `curl -sL "$Id"`; my $inbox = `curl -sL "$username&domain=$domain&id=$Id"`; chomp($inbox); my $formatted_inbox = decode_json($inbox); my $box = $formatted_inbox->{textBody}; # print Dumper($formatted_inbox); print $box; $cui->dialog( -message => $box, -title => "$Id = $formatted_json->[0]->{subject}", -buttons => [ { -label => '< OK >', -value => 1, -shortcut => 'o', } ], ) } }, ], -buttonalignment => 'middle', ); $cui->mainloop; 

This is a script to fetch a temp mail address from the API, then display the contents of its inbox.


Everything was working fine, but suddenly I'm getting an error about screen size. I am literally clueless at this point.


Your screen is currently too small for this application.

Resize the screen and restart the application.

Press <CTRL+C> to exit...


Terminal has 45 lines and 189 coloumns, and is full screen.

This is perl 5, version 38, subversion 2 (v5.38.2) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi

Curses::UI Version: INST_VERSION 0.9609

OS is Arch Linux

submitted by /u/GapIndividual1244
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