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Structure Based Structuring of Unstructured Data - Adam Russell - TPRC 2024 submitted by /u/OODLER577
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I playing around with, looking for a way to subscript to messages and execute code based on the content. I found the solution for json stream but websockets stops printing after a few messages or a short time. Any idea why? here is the code:
use v5.40 ; use IO::Async::Loop; use Net::Async::WebSocket::Client; my $client = Net::Async::WebSocket::Client->new( on_text_frame => sub( $self, $frame ) { print $frame ; }, ); my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new; $loop->add( $client ); $client->connect( url => "wss://" )->get ; $loop->run; 

submitted by /u/ktown007
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Symbolic Lookup Error

I am trying to run a POST call in perl, using UserAgent with the agent set as curl,

This Perl throws this error. Do you guys have any idea on how to resolve this?

I have only one installation of Perl.

submitted by /u/alistair_0111
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Running CPAN behind a corporate proxy, it's not trusting the certs. The certs are installed on the machine so web browsing to works fine, but how can I modify the CPAN trust store to also trust these certs? I need to install a chain.

This is the error:

HTTP::Tiny failed with an internal error: SSL connection failed for SSL connect attempt failed error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed


submitted by /u/L1onH3art_
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