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submitted by /u/davorg
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Building an OpenAI chatbot in Corinna submitted by /u/OvidPerl
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I am fairly new to Perl. I did a lot with it in the mid 90s and came back about 8 months ago. There is a lot I dont know and probably a lot of things I have forgotten.

I picked up Perl to write a couple of applications that I was hoping could run on MacOS, Linux,OpenBSD, and Windows. Perl runs on all of them and many come with Perl built in. Simple scripts I have written run pretty well. (Lets forget about Windows for now).

When I start using libraries(packages?) there is a world of hurt.

Now some libraries pretty much usually work, but many do not. Which works and which do not seems to be dependent upon the operating system and distro.

Then I have to start with what version of Perl is running everywhere. That is annoying.

I end up spending a lot of time on a new machine when I want to run my application, doing nothing else than trying to get the libraries installed.

So I decided to adopt PerlBrew (havent tried it on OpenBSD yet) That should give me a stable version across the differnt platforms.

Then I decided I wanted to write a shell script that would handle installing all of the libarires I might use once and for all so I would know they were all accounted for.

perlbrew exec -q --with perl-5.40.0 cpanm install DBI

Then libraries I have pulled from CPAN do not work.

Google here and Google there.

Ok install GCC and make (I should have known this) More problems:

I found a few of these: "Why are you using CPAN for this? Use the compiled packages that come with <OS><type>"

Hmm I would have thought that CPAN shold be the best source? How do I know what exists as pre built packages on what platform?

Using apt search "perl" or "-perl" or "perl" does not help that much.

I have XML::LibXML working on Mac but getting it working on Ubuntu 22 I have been able to do. I have even tried to start OpenBSD yet)

Is writing cross platform applications in Perl meant to be this difficult?

Should I avoid libraries at all costs and write an aweful lot of code myself?

Is there an easy way to guess what libraries will almost certainly work and what libraries will most likely never work? Some kind of warning system?

Should I look into using pp? I havent yet figured out how to make it compile for Ubuntu,MacOs,OpenBSD yet.

In GoLang its a couple of flags to set for each architecture and off it goes.

ShouldI look into Par files? (or was it Far) that are supposesd to contain the nessescary libraries within itself?

What am I doing wrong?

Libraries in my current set Given all the experimenting some of them are now wrong.

Array::Set, Array::Unique, Bundle::LWP, Data::Dump, Data::Dumper, DateTime, DBD::SQLite, DBI, Digest::file, Digest::MD5, Digest::MD5::File, File::Basename, File::Compare, File::Copy, File::Find, File::Find::Rule, File::Glob, File::Path, File::Slurp, File::Spec, Image::ExifTool, Image::Info, IO::All, List::Compare, List::Gen, List::MoreUtils, List::SomeUtils, List::Util, List::UtilsBy, Log::Minimal, LWP, LWP::Simple, Path::Tiny, Term::ANSIColor, Text::Fuzzy, Type::Tiny,Moose,MooseX::Types,WWW::Mechanize

submitted by /u/NoeticIntelligence
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Is there a way to replace accented characters by their plain version, something like


submitted by /u/Patentsmatter
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List of new CPAN distributions – May 2024 submitted by /u/perlancar
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Is it possible to display an image to the user, without loading all the trappings of a whole widget / event-loop environment like Prima, Tk, Wx, Win32::GUI, etc?

Specifically, I want something simple that I can execute in a BEGIN block to display a splash image to the user while the rest of the application is compiled and initializes, which takes about 5-10 seconds. The program in question is a perl Wx application running under MS Windows.

submitted by /u/sue_d_nymme
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I am making a script with multiple threads, and one of the threads I wish to make is a "cpu usage monitoring thread" that checks both "overall" cpu usage and the "current script cpu usage" or external PID cpu usage.

Then I can decide if any of my threads need to sleep for the moment while CPU is recovering from something (like maybe its executing something heavy) then my perl script needs to adjust.

I wish it will also be EFFICIENT and ACCURATE as much as possible. I don't want the perl script have high CPU usage. Cross Platform would be nice, but if a Windows Solution is more efficient. Please share.

For now I can't find any good solution. 🙁

submitted by /u/DemosaiDelacroix
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Mo utilities for email.

Changes for 0.02 - 2024-04-26T23:02:53+02:00

  • Add tests for error parameters.
  • Rewrite the tests so that the functional tests are first and then the errors.

Crypt Base Functions, using the OpenSSL libraries

Changes for 0.038 - 2024-04-26


Override subroutines in a module for unit testing

Changes for v0.178.0

  • 6724a30 - Simplify CI workflow - Nicolas R
  • 1801372 - Multiple improvements - Nicolas R
  • e97e316 - Add protection to _replace_sub - Nicolas R

search nested hashref/arrayref structures using JSONPath

Changes for 1.0.6 - 2024-04-26T11:58:01-05:00

  • Other

Build.PL install path logic made easy

Changes for 0.013 - 2024-04-25T12:28:37+02:00

  • Try to install any installable paths

A wrapper for perl's configuration

Changes for 0.009 - 2024-04-25T12:22:53+02:00

  • Add a but method
  • Add ExtUtils::Config::MakeMaker

Distribution with a rich set of tools built upon the Test2 framework.

Changes for 0.000160 - 2024-04-25T11:18:36+01:00

  • Fix #291: done_testing under AsyncSubtest does not make sense
  • Fix #275: prototypes for around/after/before
  • Fix #288: Merge PR for #275
  • Fix #290: Extra docs for srand
#290 #291 #275 #288

Perl I18n using format.

Changes for 2.13 - 2024-02-01T12:55:00Z

  • Added support of nested lists and hashrefs

Hi! Asking for a wisdom here...

We have a module that modifies signal handler $SIG{__DIE__} to log information and to die afterwards. Hundreds of scripts relied on this module which worked fine in perl 5.10.1.

Recently we had the opportunity to install several Perl versions but unfortunately a large number of scripts that used to work with Perl 5.10.1 now behave differently:

  • Failed in 5.14.4: /home/dev/perl-5.14.4/bin/perl -wc RECEIVED SIGNAL - S_IFFIFO is not a valid Fcntl macro at /home/dev/perl-5.14.4/lib/5.14.4/File/ line 41
  • Worked without changes in 5.26.3: /home/dev/perl-5.26.3/bin/perl -wc syntax OK
  • Worked without changes in 5.38.2: /home/dev/perl-5.38.2/bin/perl -wc syntax OK

Many of the scripts can only be updated to 5.14.4 due to the huge jumps between 5.10 and 3.58; But we are stuck on that failures.

Was there an internal Perl change in 5.14 which cause the failures but works on other recent versions without any update on the scripts?


submitted by /u/Longjumping_Army_525
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Sanity-check calling context

Changes for 0.04

  • (no code changes)
  • Switched to MIT license.
  • Switched README from POD to Markdown.
  • Removed Travis CI.

Sort lines of text by a Comparer module

Changes for 0.002 - 2024-03-07

  • No functional changes.
  • [doc] Mention some related links.

An assortment of date-/time-related CLI utilities

Changes for 0.128 - 2024-03-07

  • [clis strftime, strftimeq] Use localtime() instead of gmtime(). We can still show UTC using "TZ=UTC strftime ...".

I understand that many disagree with this statement, but it really makes it easier to build distributions for people who not monks. Wish the documentation was more detailed

submitted by /u/ReplacementSlight413
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Sah schemas related to BCA (Bank Central Asia) bank

Changes for 0.002 - 2024-04-03

  • Rename module/dist Sah-Schema{s,Bundle}-* following rename of Sah-Schema{s,Bundle} (for visual clarity and consistency with naming of other bundles).

search nested hashref/arrayref structures using JSONPath

Changes for 1.0.5 - 2024-04-22T16:10:46-05:00

simulating paper and pencil techniques for basic arithmetic operations

Changes for 0.01 - 2024-04

  • First version, with the four basic operations, plus square-root, GCD and radix conversion. And HTML rendering

Use a type to validate values in a deep comparison.

Changes for 1.0.1 - 2024-04-22

  • Add Test2::Tools::Type

An open source web-based network management tool.

Changes for 2.076000 - 2024-04-22


Silverpeak Orchestrator REST API client library

Changes for 0.011000 - 2024-04-22T17:58:39+02:00

  • add support for version 9.3+ API endpoints

A module that performs semantic similarity in PXF/BFF data structures and beyond (JSON|YAML)

Changes for 0.07 - 2024-04-22T00:00:00Z

  • Excluded keys with {} or [] values (e.g. subject.vitalStatus: {})
  • Precompiled regex patterns where possible
  • Schema validation errors related to weights are now directed to STDERR
  • Added support for variables with non-word characters (e.g., "Survey.Timestamp.1")

Pango style markup formatting

Changes for 0.036 - 2024-04-22

  • Introducing struts. Update SYNOPOSIS example to modern PDF::API2 conventions. Fix/enhance drawing of brackgrounds. Fix problem with wrongly calculated underlining.