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Aligning (and pseudo aligning) biological sequences

Changes for 0.02 - 2024-03-23T20:57:13-06:00

  • -provided links to a batch of Alien packages that were developed for this distribution: Command line tools: bowtie2, edlib, hmmer, last, minimap2, MMseqs2, parasail Libraries: edlib, parasail Components: Adapter & Barcode trimming: cutadapt PolyA trimming: cutadapt

Aligning (and pseudo aligning) biological sequences

Changes for 0.01 - 2024-03-23T19:04:38-06:00

  • initial commit

Sah schemas related to bool data type

Changes for 0.003 - 2024-02-25

  • Rename module/dist Sah-Schema{s,Bundle}-Bool following rename of Sah-Schema{s,Bundle} (for visual clarity and consistency with naming of other bundles).

Random hash type objects.

Changes for 0.05 - 2024-03-22T19:10:24+01:00

  • Parameter 'num_generated' rewrite to use check_required().
  • Update to Data::HashType@0.05 without 'active' parameter.

This is the explanation of what happened to Perl Author : INGENICO

submitted by /u/todo_bem
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Utilities related to mineral supplements

Changes for 0.012 - 2024-03-22

  • Add mg-mg-malate, mg-mg-malate-trihydrate.

General purpose command option wrapper

Changes for v0.99.1 - 2024-03-22T09:31:18Z

  • Make tabstop configurable in -Mutil::filter module.

Implementation of various techniques used in data compression.

Changes for 0.03 - 2024-03-22


Asynchronous HTTP Request and Promise

Changes for v0.5.1 - 2024-03-27T16:53:48Z

  • Minor correction of undefined variable in HTTP::Promise
  • Correcting minor bug in _read_body() in HTTP::Promise

Fork Based Promise with Asynchronous Execution, Async, Await and Shared Data

Changes for v0.4.10 - 2024-03-22T16:50:25Z

Hotel hotspot hijinks submitted by /u/oalders
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Plack search application.

Changes for 0.04 - 2024-03-21T14:13:15+01:00

  • Add missing 'image_height' parameter description in doc.
  • Add 'image_radius' parameter.
  • Add 'name' attribute to search field.

Implementation of various techniques used in data compression.

Changes for 0.02 - 2024-03-21


ANSI sequence aware column command

Changes for 1.4101 - 2024-03-21T07:50:10Z

  • make man page accurate

data pack for Business::ISBN

Changes for 20240321.001 - 2024-03-21T07:16:25Z

  • Data update for 2024-03-21

Problem- I have an apache application in which I am using mod_perl module. I want to log few things in a request lifecycle. I am able to do it across multiple files by calling get_logger("nameOfLogger"); and log to the hash that I am maintaining in my appender. But strangely there is one file in which when I call get_logger("nameOfLogger"); it no more has context of previous logs that I have captured before it in other files. What could be the possible cause. does this file needs to be in ?

I would really appreciate the help and suggestions since I am stuck on this issue since a day

submitted by /u/FiredNeuron97
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access GCC compiler builtin functions via XS

Changes for 0.03 - 2024-03-20

  • Added more builtins. Added one test file for each builtin function supported. Created benchmarks comparing clz() XS vs PP. Enhanced documentation.

SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989089 - 2023-03-19

  • Incompatible Changes
  • Internal Changes

access GCC compiler builtin functions via XS

Changes for 0.01

  • First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

Hey all!

As a recent graduate seeking a junior developer position, I received an invitation for a job interview which included a Perl coding exercise. How can i make my code better? Additionally, are there recommended best practices for documenting my progress on this exercise? I never programmed in perl, so bare with me. Thanks a lot!!

here's the task:

- read the data from a .csv file

- store data in one hash

- outputs the data as HTML, sorted by company and within the company by name

here is my code:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Text::CSV; my $csv_file = 'Bewerbungstest.csv'; open(my $fh, '<', $csv_file) or die "Could not open file '$csv_file' $!"; my $csv = Text::CSV->new({ binary => 1 }) or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag(); $csv->header($fh); # Hash Wert my %data_hash; while (my $row = $csv->getline($fh)) { my $pid = $row->[0]; # PID as key my $company = $row->[1]; # Company name as key my $last_name = $row->[2]; # Employee last name my $first_name = $row->[3]; # Employee first name push @{$data_hash{$company}}, [$pid, $last_name, $first_name]; } close($fh); # Sort the company names alphabetically foreach my $company (sort keys %data_hash) { @{$data_hash{$company}} = sort {$a->[1] cmp $b->[1]} @{$data_hash{$company}}; } # HTML Output open(HTML, '>', 'output.html') or die "Could not open file: $!"; print HTML "<html>\n"; print HTML "<head>\n"; print HTML "<title>Employee List</title>\n"; print HTML "</head>\n"; print HTML "<body>\n"; print HTML "<h1>User Liste</h1>\n"; print HTML "<table border='1'>\n"; print HTML "<tr><th>PID</th><th>Company</th><th>Last Name</th><th>First Name</th>\n"; foreach my $company (sort keys %data_hash) { foreach my $entry (@{$data_hash{$company}}) { my ($pid, $last_name, $first_name,) = @$entry; print HTML "<tr>\n"; print HTML "<td>$pid</td>\n"; print HTML "<td>$company</td>\n"; print HTML "<td>$last_name</td>\n"; print HTML "<td>$first_name</td>\n"; print HTML "</tr>\n"; } } print HTML "</table>\n"; print HTML "</body>\n"; print HTML "</html>\n"; close(HTML); print "HTML file erfolgreich generiert\n"; 

submitted by /u/stayin_alive23
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Data objects for login.

Changes for 0.02 - 2024-03-19T14:01:19+01:00

  • Regen example file.
  • Rewrite to new Data::HashType@0.04 with added 'valid_from' parameter.

Random hash type objects.

Changes for 0.03 - 2024-03-19T13:59:34+01:00

  • Add support for Data::HashType@0.04.

Data objects for hash type.

Changes for 0.04 - 2024-03-19T13:12:38+01:00

  • API CHANGE: Add 'valid_from' and 'valid_to' parameters. 'active' parameter will be removed in future. And 'valid_from' will be required in future.
  • Add DESCRIPTION section to doc.

An open source web-based network management tool.

Changes for 2.074000 - 2024-03-19


I have inherited some perl scripts that I've generally been able to edit well enough with my knowledge from other languages, but I need to make a change that has me stumped.

The user wants the output that happens from this loop to be reversed.

for ($nn=0;$nn<=$range_max;$nn++) { my $range=sprintf("%02d",$nn); $sum_of_A += $A_EACH_RANGE{"$range"}; $sum_of_B += $B_EACH_RANGE{"$range"}; printf("\"\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\"\n", $scale[$nn], commify($A_EACH_RANGE{"$range"}), commify($B_EACH_RANGE{"$range"}), commify($sum_of_A), commify($sum_of_B)); } 

So I figured all I had to do was start the for loop at the end like this:
for ($nn=$range_max;$nn>=0;$nn--) { 

Then I realized there's some cumulative math going on in the loop, which means the sum of everything needs to be at the top now instead of the bottom.

Now I'm stuck, I've made a few attempts like pushing it into an array so I could have the option to output in forward or reverse, but all my attempts just hang with no warnings or errors.

I figure there's a more elegant solution but my Google-fu hasn't helped.

submitted by /u/wirikidor
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Randal Schwartz is guest on Flosss Weekly 765, mostly for Dart, but he also talks quite a bit about Perl.

One of the interesting management of Dart is that they have people assigned to work shifts to triage and respond to issues so that requestors can get immediate feedback that at least someone saw their issue. I'll let him tell the rest of the story, but it's a good one.

submitted by /u/briandfoy
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I am using Template::Mustache in a prooted Debian in termux on Android.

It works fine, however it produces this annoying warning:

"Flock not available: 'Function not implemented': continuing in unsafe mode".

As far as I can see it ultimately comes from Path::Tiny when slurping a file.

I have tried to get rid of it with "no warnings" but that did not do the trick.

So how can I suppress this warning?

submitted by /u/ghiste
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submitted by /u/niceperl
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submitted by /u/oalders
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Webservice to connect to Onfido API

Changes for 0.006 - 2023-07-02T15:36:03+00:00

  • Add hook

Open a file for shared reading and/or writing

Changes for 4.05 - 2023-07-02

  • Fix tests with perl-5.38.0.

Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management

Changes for 0.59

  • Fix for Windows t/load.t failures

Destructuring Assignment Syntax for Perl

Changes for 0.0.15

  • Add a test for multi-line assignment statement
  • Put all code from in assign::0
  • Refactor to declare vars before assignments

We are Slovak CPAN authors.

Changes for 0.04 - 2023-06-24T15:21:08+02:00

  • Fix Makefile.PL fails with no '.' in @INC.
  • Move bug tracker to GitHub.

Lookup an entry in the Obituary Daily Times

Changes for 0.09

  • create_db failed on 5.36.1 freelists now separate lines by <br/> instead of <br /> Calling new on an object now returns a clone rather than setting the defaults in the new object

Full-featured "Combo-box" (Text-entry combined with drop-down listbox) derived from Tk::BrowseEntry with many additional features and options.

Changes for 5.30

  • Fix entry-field up and down-arrow bindings to properly traverse the values in the listbox value list - wasn't always working properly particularly with the up-arrow option.
  • Fix broken handling of hash-refs (name/value pairs) when used as the -choices list.
  • Fix -listrelief option not accepting reconfiguration.
  • Improve and clarify "Tab=KeepList" & "Tab=Popup" altbindings. KeepList will also now keep list popped up if <spacebar> used to select.
  • Add "-tabcomplete => 3" option to just update the text field to what is selected in the listbox when tabbing off of it back to the text field (The other 2 tabcomplete options also do this).
  • Tweak the button icons' height slightly to make the widget height consistant with standard text entry fields (Linux versions, as this was already correct on M$-Windows systems.
  • Tweak widget frame width to make "fixed" listboxes more properly align in width with that of the text entry field width.
  • Stop copying the active listbox item to the text field until the user actually selects it.
  • Remove some redundant listbox activation code plus some other small code optimizations and cleanups.
  • Fix a few more "use strict" nanny-warnings about undefined variable values (found or observed during coding and testing). None of them were bugs (as Perl was already defaulting to zero or '' as needed).
  • Some general pod doc. cleanups.

We are Slovak CPAN authors.

Changes for 0.03 - 2023-06-24T14:25:30+02:00

  • Add KOZO account.
  • Add SAMSK account.
  • Fix example in doc.
  • Rename examples to better names.
  • Update copyright years.
  • Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.