A base for sort-like CLI utilities
Changes for 0.003 - 2024-03-06
- [incompatible change] Replace _sortgen with _gen_sorter + _gen_comparer + _gen_sortkey.
Sort lines of text by spec
Changes for 0.004 - 2024-03-06
- Update to AppBase::Sort 0.003.
- [doc] Fix example.
Collection of CLI utilities for Sah and Data::Sah
Changes for 0.484 - 2024-03-06
- Rename scripts: list-sah-schemas-modules -> list-sah-schemabundle-modules, list-sah-pschemas-modules -> list-sah-pschemabundle-modules.
- Tweak examaple summary.
Audit CPAN distributions for known vulnerabilities
Changes for 20240414.001 - 2024-04-15T00:01:30Z
- data update for 2024-04-14
Prior releases of the 6.x line relied on Lexical::Types, which was a major performance pessimisation over the 5.x releases.
6.0.4 relies on a simple source filter instead, which restores performance levels back to expected levels.
More benchmarks added to the test suite validate the dependency changes.
submitted by /u/joesuf4
[link] [comments]
HTTP/2 Dynamic Benchmarks (PHP vs. ModPerl2), 2024 edition.
I ram these about four years ago, and the time differentials were about the same then as now. Monolithic POSIX-threaded server architectures like mp2 + mpm_event will always dominate in low-latency/scalability HTTP/2 benchmarks because they leverage zero-copy in the runtime.
Anyways, sexy terminal graphs with smag to enjoy!
submitted by /u/joesuf4
[link] [comments]