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A Perl Mail Authentication Milter

Changes for 3.20230629 - 2023-06-29T23:44:32+00:00

  • DKIM: Prepare for Ed25519 support in Mail:😁KIM Ed25519 key types do not have a size method which can lead to confusing results.

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0014 - 2023-06-29T15:50:05Z

  • Add the recall_all() method.
  • Improve the eg/ program significantly.

a small gemini client

Changes for 0.08 - 2023-06-29

  • Use IO::Socket::IP for better IPv6 support. Break the verify_ssl callback, again, passing a hash reference of details. Notably the IP address of the peer is now included, and the IP is also available via the ip accessor. Break the "digest" such that it is now compatible with how amfora calculates it. Removed the early_shutdown thing. More tests, bugfixes, etc.