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translation support module for greple

Changes for 0.25 - 2023-06-28T04:04:11Z

  • new docker image release

OO Library for Perl 5

Changes for 3.03

  • [feature] Implement Venus::Task
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Core#UNIMPORT
  • [feature] Implement Venus:😛ath#rename
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Core#USE and "import"
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Meta#emit
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Core::{GET,SET}
  • [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#ppid
  • [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#{send,recv}
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Run, and the "vns" CLI
  • [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#{recall,recallall}
  • [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#data
  • [feature] Implement Venus:😛rocess#sync
  • [feature] Implement Venus::Role:😛rintable#{print,say}_{json,yaml}
  • [feature] Implement Venus:😮s#quote
  • [update] Update Venus::Core#DESTROY to include mixins
  • [update] Fix "$!" issue in exceptions
  • [update] Refactor Venus::Config, implement write_* methods
  • [update] Refactor Venus::{Log,Task}, pass level to handler
  • [update] Update documentation

Find a Date in Text

Changes for 0.05

  • Croak if we can't work out the date Fix misparsing of the string "6 February 1870-18/19 August 1914"

Call many Geo-Coders

Changes for 0.30

  • Better error message on wrong parameter Fix count if not enough installers installed in t/list.t Calling new on an object now returns a clone Don't fail if is down Handle OSM not setting state reverse_geocode now looks in the second cache Croak when geocode has invalid argument rather than silently return

Synthesizer settings librarian

Changes for 0.0006 - 2023-06-27T17:40:08Z

  • Clean code, tests, and docs.