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A Perl implementation of Clojure

Changes for 0.1.14

  • Make Lingy::HashMap subclass immutable::map

Immutable Data Structures for Perl

Changes for 0.0.3

  • Fix to make ->set preserve key order
  • Add install to Makefile

System Calls for File IO, User, Process, Signal, Socket

Changes for 0.481006 - 2023-06-26

  • Prerequirement Changes

SPVM Language

Changes for 0.989012 - 2023-06-26

  • Bug Fix
  • Incompatibe Changes

Display run time and dependencies after running code

Changes for 0.211 - 2023-05-12

  • [bugfix] Fix invocation of tv_interval() and gettimeofday() to get correct result (mistake not detected early because we are not using stricture?).