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Perl interface to MXNet machine learning library

Changes for 1.6

  • Update mapping between PDL and MX types - Zakariyya Mughal
  • Upgrade minimum PDL dependency to PDL v2.064 for int8 (PDL: sbyte) type - Zakariyya Mughal

Find or download and install rpm library

Changes for 0.01 - 2023-06-23T18:24:33+02:00

  • First version.

This is not a real code and only purpose is to keep PAUSE happy

Changes for 0.003 - 2023-06-23

  • Keep PAUSE happy with a fake module.

Hadoop/Hive compatible TypedBytes serializer/deserializer.

Changes for 0.002 - 2023-06-23

  • Initial version.