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A highly configurable File and Directory Dialog widget for Perl/Tk.

Changes for 2.30

  • managers).
  • Allow and clarify (document) the use of most regex characters in file patterns and pattern list (-FPat & -FPatList options).
  • Will now use Tk::JDialog in lieu of Tk:😁ialog, if the former is installed.

Fast OBO to Chado loading using PostgreSQL COPY

Changes for 0.039 - 2023-06-17T22:14:38Z

  • Parse and store dbxrefs from the xref: lines

Perl Cooklang parser

Changes for 0.11 - 2023-06-17T10:58:38Z

  • Minimum Perl version is 5.34.
  • Added pod

Produce ANSI terminal sequence by concise notation

Changes for 2.05 - 2023-06-17T08:18:50Z

  • introduce cumulative color policy