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Use Mojolicious Templates for your Catalyst View

Changes for 0.005 - 2023-06-11

  • Per context version

Log::Any adapter for Log::Log4perl::Tiny

Changes for 0.001 - 2023-06-11T20:27:47Z

  • Initial release

Conversion class between MARC record and Wikidata object.

Changes for 0.04 - 2023-06-11T18:24:52+02:00

  • Add publication date use case.
  • Improve clean_publication_date() code.

Implementation of RESTful API

Changes for v1.0.1 - 2023-06-10T19:56:22Z

  • Minor documentation update
  • Minor enhancement of method in Net::API::REST::Endpoint
  • Correcting missing method variables() in Net::API::REST::Request

Apache2 API Framework

Changes for v0.1.1 - 2023-06-10T20:29:58Z

  • Minor modification to init() in Apache2::API
  • Updated method headers() in Apache2::API::Request and Apache2::API::Response to return an empty hash in HASH context when no headers