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HTML Parser, Modifier and Query Interface

Changes for v0.2.3 - 2022-11-12T14:07:25Z

  • Corrected find_by_tag_name() in HTML:😮bject::Element
  • Added the properties accessKey, accessKeyLabel, isContentEditable, dir, draggable, enterKeyHint, hidden, inert, innerText, inputMode, popover, lang, noModule, nonce, offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetParent, offsetTop, offsetWidth, outerText, properties, spellcheck, style, title, translate to HTML:😮bject:😁OM::Element
  • Added the methods attachInternals(), blur(), click(), focus(), hidePopover(), showPopover(), togglePopover() HTML:😮bject:😁OM::Element
  • Updated the method documentElement() in HTML:😮bject:😁OM:😁ocument and improved body() and title()
  • Updated the method querySelectorAll() in HTML:😮bject:😁OM::Element
  • Improved private method _set_get_property in HTML:😮bject:😁OM::Element
  • Improved method on in HTML:😮bject::EventTarget

A collection of various examples of Perl modules/scripts

Changes for 0.096 - 2023-02-24

  • Add POD link example to manpage.

Generic Module to inherit from

Changes for v0.29.6 - 2023-03-12T06:55:19Z

  • Minor improvements in Module::Generic::Scalar by adding Regexp::Common as a regexp class on top of perl's Regexp
  • Improved the helper method _set_get_object and corrected _set_get_object_without_init
  • Added the 'code' option to method 'pass_error' in Module::Generic
  • Support method '_can' in Module::Generic now also accepts an array of methods to check
  • Added _is_warnings_enabled as an alias to _warnings_is_enabled in Module::Generic
  • Improved Module::Generic::Hash json method to allow for more options
  • Added method _set_get_callback as an lvalue support method
  • Aliased _lvalue to _set_get_callback