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JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and faster

Changes for 1.05
  • fix build issue with "invalid register for .seh_savexmm" (prev fix caused other problems, was reverted)
  • add ppport.h
  • add core_bools and encode_core_bools methods to support builtin::true and false on perl >= 5.36 core_bools also works towards compatibility with JSON:🤐S, and with both of these options it is possible to have correct, full round-trip encode/decode between Perl and JSON booleans.


Validate data against a schema, minimally

Changes for 0.021 - 2023-04-22T17:25:12Z
  • fix bad handling of empty patterns in "pattern", "patternProperties" keywords
  • use bignum calculations for any non-integer in "multipleOf", to better handle overflows on older architectures