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Act on upper scopes.

Changes for 0.34 - 2023-03-26T16:00:00Z
  • Add : Contributing guidelines are now listed in the new CONTRIBUTING file.
  • Fix : [RT #146897] Scope::Upper does not know about RCPV cop_warnings, and does not know that given is deprecated. "given" related warnings were silenced, and the new RCPV interface is now used. Thanks Yves Orton for reporting and contributing a fix.
  • Fix : Assertion failures triggering on perl version 5.37.10 and higher with DEBUGGING enabled.
  • Fix : t/64-uplevel-caller.t has been taught about the new call frame numbering convention.


Perl interface to OpenAI API

Changes for 0.32 - 2023-03-26
  • Add OpenAI::API::Error module. Add option to return HTTP::Response object.


Map body and data parameters to a model

Changes for 0.013
  • Fixed minor issue with noisy error if doing a form upload to a request model that didn't support it.
  • Fixed test case that failed on some platforms
  • Distribution meta data fixes, including copyright update


Binary search a list for insertion point

Changes for v0.1.0 - 2023-03-24
  • original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options --name List::Insertion -X -P -b 5.24.0